Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
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Covenant Protestant Reformed Church



Rev. Angus Stewart

Lord’s Day, 19 August, 2007


"Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth:

unite my heart to fear thy name" (Ps. 86:11)


Morning Service - 11:00 AM

Spiritual Illumination

II Corinthians 4:6

I. The Meaning

II. The Analogy

III. The Preaching

Psalms: 63:1-8; 97:1-7; 19:1-8; 33:6-12

Evening Service - 6:00 PM

The All-Controlling Influence of the Gospel

II Corinthians 4:1-2

I. We Do Not Faint

II. We Renounce Craftiness

Psalms: 119:89-96; 97:8-12; 26:1-8; 43:1-5


For audio cassettes of the worship services or CDs of the sermons, contact Sean Courtney (


CPRC website:

Announcements (subject to God’s will):

We welcome Francesco De Lucia and Marco Barone from the Naples area of Italy to our worship services today. After this evening’s service, Francesco will give a brief presentation about the church in Italy and his Reformed pilgrimage. This evening, we also bid farewell to Martyn who returns to the U.S. tomorrow morning to begin his second year at seminary.

The Acts of Synod of the PRC are on the back table. You are welcome to pick up a free copy. A missionary letter from Rev. Bruinsma is also available.

Two new RFPA books, Prosperous Wicked and Plagued Saints and The Sixteenth Century Reformation of the Church, are available for book club members at a very low cost. You may either pay Rev. Stewart £3.50 or pay the RFPA directly with your credit card.

Offerings: General Fund -- 15 July, £589.05 -- 22 July, £429.78 -- 29 July, £599.90 -- 5 August, £618.12, Building Fund, £167.05 -- 12 August, £409.20. Donations: £100 (building fund), £17.68 (building fund), £20 (building fund), £20 (C. R. News), £30 (C. R. News), £140 (tapes).

Michael Kimmitt and Lindsay Williams arrive in the Ballymena area on Tuesday and plan to stay at the manse for a week.

Philip and Susan Hall return this week Wednesday morning. To welcome them back and to fellowship with our other guests, everyone is invited to the manse for a barbecue this week Friday, 24 August at 6:30 PM or as soon as possible thereafter. If you plan to come, please sign up on the sheet on the back table.

The Reformed Witness Hour next Lord’s Day, 26 August (8:30-9:00 AM, on Gospel 846MW), is entitled "The Great Good of Christian Education."

Advanced Notices: 14 Sept., S. Wales Lecture on "The Perseverance of the Saints" Fri., 26 Oct., Reformation Day Lecture in Portadown Minor Town Hall Fri., 2 Nov., Reformation Day Lecture in Ballymena Protestant Hall

PRC News: Candidate Spronk accepted the call to Peace PRC (Illinois). He will be ordained and installed after he is examined by Classis West in September. Rev. R. Kleyn (Trinity PRC) is considering the call to Sioux Falls. Rev. DeVries is considering the call to be missionary to the Philippines.

Italian Translations on our Website

(most of which have been made by Francesco De Lucia)


Italiano (Italian)


Il Credo degli Apostoli (Apostles’ Creed)

Il Credo del Concilio di Nicea-Costantinopoli (Nicene Creed)

Il Credo di Calcedonia (Chalcedonian Creed)

Il Simbolo Atanasiano (Athanasian Creed)

La Confessione di Fede Belga (Belgic Confession)

Il Catechismo di Heidelberg (Heidelberg Catechism)

I Canoni di Dordrecht (Canons of Dordt)

Introduzione ai Salmi

Robert Harbach ("Introduction to the Psalms")

Il Canto dei Salmi nella Chiesa Cristiana (The Metrical Psalms)

La Fede Riformata

Gise Van Baren ("The Reformed Faith")

La Sovranità di Dio

Arthur W. Pink (The Sovereignty of God)

T.U.L.I.P. I Cinque Punti del Calvinismo

Barry Gritters ("TULIP: The Five Points of Calvinism")

Calvinismo … la Verità

Robert Harbach ("Calvinism ... the Truth")

Il Cristo dell’Arminianesimo

Steven Houck ("The Christ of Arminianism")

Il Patto: Il Tabernacolo di Dio con gli Uomini

Herman Hoeksema ("The Covenant: God’s Tabernacle with Man")

Il Patto di Dio ed i Figli dei Credenti

David Engelsma ("The Covenant of God and Children of Believers")

Il Patto con i Credenti e la Loro Discendenza

Herman Hanko ("The Covenant with Believers and their Children," a chapter from We and Our Children)

L’Organismo del Patto

Herman Hanko ("The Organism of the Covenant," a chapter from We and Our Children)

Argomenti Addizionali: In Risposta a Varie Obiezioni Battiste

Herman Hanko ("Additional Arguments," a chapter from We and Our Children)

Battesimo: Significato, Modo e Soggetti

Michael Kimmitt ("Baptism: Meaning, Mode & Subjects")

Il Significato del Battesimo ed i Battisti

Angus Stewart ("The Meaning of Baptism")

La Base Biblica per il Battesimo degli Infanti

Herman Hoeksema ("The Biblical Ground for the Baptism of Infants")

Il Modo Biblico del Battesimo

Robert Harbach ("The Biblical Mode of Baptism")

L’Unità della Chiesa

Angus Stewart ("The Unity of the Church")

La Santità della Chiesa

Angus Stewart ("The Holiness of the Church")

L’Apostolicità della Chiesa

Angus Stewart ("The Apostolicity of the Church")

Mettete alla prova gli spiriti! - Una prospettiva riformata sul Pentecostalismo

David Engelsma ("Try the Spirits—A Reformed Look at Pentecostalism")