Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
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Encouraging Quotes From Listeners


"I was listening to the tape on ‘The Believers Responsibility for the Preaching’ on the Lord’s day. How very true concerning what people will put up with in much of today’s churches in the U.K. Then I was reading the Voice of Our Fathers how preaching is an act of God’s mercy to the elect. One could only conclude we need to pray for more mercy in the church today. How thankful to our great God we should be for His provision through your ministry of such mercy to such sinners as ourselves when so many are denied such mercy today. May our God keep you and His church." - Yorkshire

"Thanking you for all you’ve done for me and ... [for] all of the Lord’s people that request sermons and booklets, pamphlets, etc., from yourselves. God bless always." - N. Wales

"I’ve been edified by listening to your sermon series while I commute to work. It makes the otherwise tedious hour and a half (each way!) train ride enjoyable and beneficial." - California, USA

"Greetings in the majestic name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Enclosed is the [money] for the purchase of the 35 audio tapes entitled ‘Christianity vs. Idolatry’ that I received earlier this week. Thank you for responding so promptly to my request for the tapes. I trust that the Lord will continue to bless the ministry for His glory there in Northern Ireland ... I was also tremendously blessed today while reading the article on ‘Christian Education’ [by Rev. Hanko] on your website." – Bermuda

"Thank you for the two tapes, ‘Total Depravity’ and ‘God’s Love & Hatred’ which arrived today ... – South Wales

"Many thanks for the continued [tape] ministry and the blessing that comes with them ... the meetings [in Limerick] are very good and its a pleasure to hear Rev. Stewart preach in person ... – Co. Limerick, Rep. of Ireland

"Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ... I very much appreciate your letter and tapes. I received them yesterday and when I listen to your preaching I receive many lessons." – India

"I promised to send you some more surplus tapes from America [Hope PRC]. I can not place them here as Calvinism is not really appreciated. We would find it very difficult to live without it. It must be that saving grace, that will not let us go. I do appreciate your Covenant Reformed News you send me from time to time ..." – Hull, England

"I am personally glad to see your website and the commitment for the living God. The world is filled with the people of religion, even Christianity seems to be moving towards such way, but God Almighty wants His people to walk in His steps, that is to say in accordance with the Scriptures ... May the Lord bless you and the work." – India

"I appreciate the sermons on the Protestant Reformed Churches’ website very much. So much good biblical teaching is so easily made available, especially the MP3 files. Thank you for your input and your sound biblical expositions. Thank you also for sending the Covenant Reformed News by snail mail. I have often wondered if I should cancel this as you send them by e-mail. However, so often it comes in the mail with other information which I would not have liked to miss out on, such as the information on the devotionals for the new year." – France

"I did listen to your defence of exclusive Psalmody against Mr. Foster and I was thankful you took this position and presented it well. Bless you for this. The Lord be with you and prosper your labour in the cause of our covenant God." – South Wales

"Last week we had the delightful request for a set of your taped sermons on Jehoshaphat ... The lady expressed great interest in what we have in the Tape Library, so we got to some really good talking on spiritual matters ... [She asked] for Jehoshaphat as a starter and one of the BRF Family Conference speeches from 2002, so I am delighted and know that you will rejoice with us ..." – New Zealand

"I have just finished listening to your audio tape message ‘Christianity versus Idolatry’ (LD35) and I am interested in finding out whether you offer that message in audio tape or audio CD for purchase. I live in Bermuda and I am very much interested in purchasing 35 copies of that audio taped message if you make them available." – Bermuda

"I have found the sermon series on ‘Christian Love’ profitable; this subject is so much abused today." – Warwickshire, England

"It was very good of you to send me the Psalm CDs. They were safely received today. They are really appreciated—beautiful. Far more beautiful than any man-made hymns ... I was very impressed while on your site last night to hear how you responded in a radio interview about Mel Gibson’s film ... I also did some reading while there. Would you have any objection to me forwarding your site url to contacts?" – Co Armagh, N. Ireland

"We send you our grateful thanks for being so willing to come over to Wales month by month and strengthen and encourage us by your faithful ministry of God’s Word and all the helpful literature that you so kindly bring with you and tapes etc. each time for our benefit and encouragement." – South Wales

"Many thanks for the trouble you and Mary have taken to bring such sound preaching to us here in Limerick over a lengthy time. May the Lord continue to bless your work." – Limerick, Rep. of Ireland

"Great to listen to your sermons. Found them yesterday. Have listened to two of them today. Nothing can replace the Word." – Norway

"Thank you for the Psalm CD. Could I have one more please? Could I also request the audio sermon ... I would like to receive the Covenant Reformed News ... Every blessing in Christ. Sincerely with much thanks." – Durham, England

"I’ve heard #1 [in the Abraham series] now and I’m glad I waited for it before going on in the series. Rev. Stewart’s introduction setting out the scriptural and the contemporary relevance of Abraham adds value to the whole study." – New Zealand

"Still receiving much blessing from the tapes on Romans 9." – Lancashire, England

"We have just finished listening to the sermon series on 'Pastors, Gifts of the Ascended Christ' and have moved on to 'Christ’s Kingdom Not of This World.' Thanks for the Psalters, they are very much appreciated. Greetings to all in the CPRF." – Limerick, Rep. of Ireland

"What a joy it is to us to be hearing these sermons. We are listening our way through them and they are such a great blessing to us. Praise to God for His gift of the truth being preached in Northern Ireland, not only, but that we here in NZ can also benefit from this, as from our regular taped services from Hope PRC in Grand Rapids." – New Zealand

"No speaker that I have heard could better Professor Hanko ... it’s just that the texts are fascinating ..." – Co. Armagh, N. Ireland

"Rev. Stewart sent the series on 'Christian Singleness & Marriage.' I note from the cassettes that the charge is £10 but I have already forgotten what the postage was and, as in any case I receive the Covenant Reformed News and am conscious that I ought to made a contribution towards it ... With Christian greetings." – Suffolk, England

"I have had a look at your website. It looks like a very useful resource that I hope to make much use of in the future." – Hampshire, England

"I find all your preaching I have heard so far very informative, encouraging and uplifting, especially on subjects such as church discipline, new birth, millennium and marriage ... I am currently halfway through the book Better to Marry and I must say it is excellent reading. It is clearly and thoroughly presented ... I especially appreciate the contrasting of the biblical viewpoint with official teachings of Roman Catholicism. This book gives a clear godly perspective and I definitely want to read more books like this from the same author." – Slovakia

"I have been enjoying the series on 'The Ark of the Covenant'" – Co. Tyrone

"Thanks for the excellent series on 'The Ark of the Covenant.' Passed all the tapes on to [a friend]." – West Yorkshire

"... I especially enjoyed the sermon on John 3:16, showing the particularity of God’s love. Also enjoyed the one on Romanism, ‘I Will Build My Church.’ Thanks to the person responsible for doing this work and thanks to the one preaching. I played the sermons into a chat program we use and my friends who heard it enjoyed them as well. Thanks again." – New York, USA

"This is a good time to express my appreciation for the excellent material on the audio site and to congratulate the CPRF on their God-given wisdom in setting it up. In these days for easily-portable MP3 players you must surely be succeeding in spreading the truth of the Word of God. And Rev. Stewart certainly presents the truth clearly and logically, no ‘uncertain sound’ there." – New Zealand

"I have come through some nasty charismatic experiences so I am very sceptic about the movement now. Nevertheless I still believe in the sovereignty of God and his word as a final authority above every other authority. I am very happy that through your website I could learn what it means to be truly reformed and found there enormous amount of free material to learn from so that I can stay ‘Sola Scriptura’ forever!" – Slovakia

"Thank you very much for your e-mail this morning. It is very very good of you to send [the Psalm CDs], and I really look forward to listening to them. There is something really awe inspiring about the metrical psalms." – Co. Armagh

"I certainly enjoyed browsing the website. I was very much encouraged by your lecture on 'Predestination' and will be returning, DV, in the future. Thank you for this valuable resource, and may the Lord use it and you mightily." – London, England

"Much love in Christ, and with renewed thanks for the great series on Jehoshaphat, too, which is most edifying and such excellent hearing. I plan to make copies of this series for [others] and I know they will be pleased to hear them as well as to lend them to their Christian friends." – New Zealand

"It’s great to see so many people profiting from the work that you do in your little fellowship in Ballymena. Whenever I lend a tape you have provided to someone in our fellowship I inevitably lose it! That is truly a cause for celebration." – England

"... at that time my position was like John Wesley, that God loves and intends to save all man, head for head. But God changed my life by sudden departure of my younger sister who died of brain haemorrhage at the age of 22. The question of assurance of salvation after death suddenly popped up both in my mind and my parents’. The Arminian doctrine is of no comfort to us and has brought us much grief! I searched the web for info on the doctrine of assurance and perseverance. I found and downloaded the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dordt. And I know Holy Spirit was at work then because as I was reading through them, it brought tears in my eyes. My doubt was finally answered [by Heidelberg Catechism] Question 1. ‘What is thy only comfort in life and death?...’ By His grace—since then I continue to read all I could about the Reformed faith and compare it to the Word of God like the Bereans (Acts 17:11)—all via internet downloads and listening to MP3 sermons (e.g., Rev. Angus Stewart on Romans 9). I also shared the doctrines to my parents and my wife—they have accepted, believed and draw comfort from the truth of God’s election." – Malaysia

"We had a marvellous night on Tuesday (in Limerick) when Rev. Stewart and his wife visited. It was wonderful to sit under the Word and to sing a Psalm ... Just posting a contribution for October tapes. Keep them coming, there is a real hunger down here for the Word which shows no signs of abating. May God’s blessing continue to be brought to us through your ministry." – Rep. of Ireland

"I was able to download a lecture from the Audio page entitled ‘Calvin vs. Pighius' ... This was an excellent message, very much needed in our day when so called Calvinists preach and actively promote the erroneous ‘God’s desire to save all/free offer’ message, and really the thrust of their preaching and writing is nothing other than Arminianism." – Scotland

"Your series ‘Pressing Toward the Mark,’ has been a blessing. I look forward every week to receiving the CPRF Bulletin and reading about what is taking place every week in Ireland. I look always on the CPRF website for updates of sermons and news. Thank you for the encouragement you have given us ..." – Texas, USA

"Great for you to come down last week, great night and really looking forward to you coming down again. As I said I am getting the CDs and they are only a blessing to me and I absolutely loved the series on Chronicles and the ecumenical king. It opened my eyes on some things and for that I am glad. I am still reading away and studying the word ... For the last few months now I am blessed when I am driving around the country as not only do I have the New Testament to listen to also have the CD and tapes. May the LORD continue to bless you and yours ..." – Limerick

"I would be interested in receiving a written version of your sermon on 'Predestination' ... I hope to get some night to your fellowship and hear you preach. I usually work on most Friday nights but can make it to your fellowship one night soon. I continually pray for you as you prepare to speak to others. – N. Ireland

"I have a friend ... who wants to send a donation from the US to the church in Ballymena ... He has been listening to your series and reading from the website ... The first reformed church we found was the PRC. The first reformed sermons we heard were the PRC. We are so embedded into the PRC, the confessions, lectures, interviews, debates, that we cannot adjust to just any other church. We feel convicted of even being there and not at the PRC. Please pray for us. We need much grace and mercy to go through this every day." – Texas, USA

"Greetings be to you, and to all your members in the worthy name of the glorious Saviour our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for your letter and three cassettes from you. The cassettes that you sent to me were taken by the government for examining. I was upset ... but now it is good. They have been sent to me because they found nothing in it but what was written in the Bible ... I want to continue to have contact with you ..." – Eritrea

"I received the parcel today. I’m truly thankful to the Lord for all the pamphlets and I really want to make good use of them. I’ve read many of the old tracts before in my younger days. The tract ‘The Covenant of God and the Children of Believers’ by DJE is very concise and clear. I am trying to introduce this to the church members. In my church, the majority of them doesn’t believe in infant baptism due to lack of knowledge of the covenant. It is sad that a Presbyterian church subscribing to the Westminster Standards in her constitution is infested with members and worshippers with baptist, pre-millennial, and Arminian persuasion. Currently, we have 2-3 couples listening to messages every week from the PRC and your website. I’ve transferred them into audio CD for portability. I am planning to do a complete series with them from the Heidelberg Catechism. The Three Forms of Unity you gave me, I could let them use for reference during the message. Do remember us in your prayers." – Western Australia

"I want to tell you that I have learned so much from Rev. Stewart and his teaching. I want to learn more and I wish I could go to his church." – England

"Thank you very much for sending a flyer for Upon This Rock. I enclose a cheque ... We continue to be blessed greatly through listening to the tapes of the worship services." – N. Ireland

"I still enjoy your preaching cassettes and literature. Regards to Sean Courtney when you see him next." – England

"I have finished listening to the series on 'Jehoshaphat the Ecumenical King.' I have really appreciated the unfolding story, the appropriate application to certain modern day ministers. I sent a set of the tapes to a friend." – Wales

"Thank you for the [tapes]. I make a big effort to [lend] your tapes for other believers and students here in South Africa to listen to." – South Africa

"I listened to the debate again yesterday. Even better the second time around." – Republic of Ireland

"Many thanks for your excellent presentation on worship in the singing of psalms. Without being over critical I don’t think Mr. Foster addressed the subject scripturally at all ..." – N. Ireland

"I heard the debate, and I cam convinced you won hands down. Heard little or no Bible whatsoever from Foster. Enjoyed hearing the debate. I hold to the regulative principle of worship also ..." – USA

"Enjoyed listening to your debate on exclusive psalmody with Rev. Ivan Foster. I felt you came out on top. Indeed I’ve been looking very closely at which Church to attend in recent times. Originally C of S. I moved out as I grew in the Lord and with his help. The ‘psalms vs. hymns’ obviously related to this decision in today’s society when we consider correct worship. My town in Scotland like many, has predominantly liberal churches making it a difficult but necessary decision to make. Keep up the good fight and may the Lord’s blessings come to you." – Scotland

"Enclosed is a cheque for Upon This Rock. I received the tapes of the debate. It certainly must have been an ordeal for you, but the Lord brought you through it. In a way, the case for exclusive psalmody was proven before even a word was spoken in the two earlier tapes of Rev. Greer and Douglas with the ‘music’ that was sung before their lectures. Hope all went well in S. Wales and I look forward to hearing the tape. May the Lord bless you both." – England

"I just listened to the debate on-line and thought you did a more than adequate job. I am interested in any reaction, feedback, after debate discussions, etc. that you may have received" – USA

"I enjoyed the debate last night on exclusive psalmody. Throughout the entire discussion Rev. Foster never addressed the issue of exclusive psalm singing only from the Scriptures in any serious manner, nor [did he] appear to understand the concept of the "public worship of God" and what God commands regarding the public worship of God ... Remarkably a very foolish interpretation from the Westminster Confession was given by Rev. Foster which again church history will refute such a rendering. Notably too, was there no defence in the Rev. Foster’s rebuttals regarding testimonies or soloists incorporated in the public worship of God either. I rejoice that the truth of God was made manifest in this debate ..." – N. Ireland

"Thank you for the very helpful books and tapes on eschatology which he sent me before Christmas. Please accept the enclosed gift cheque for your work in the bookshop or anything else." – England

"Many thanks for sending me the literature and tapes which will keep me thinking for some time. It was most kind of you to respond so promptly and it was appreciated. Although I would class myself as a Calvinist regarding doctrine, there are however some points I may not fully understand but still seeking answers. Once again thanks for your response." – N. Ireland

"I really enjoyed [the lecture in Limerick] Wednesday night. The lecture was excellent, praise God! It was nice meeting yourself and Mary again and also Pastor Kleyn and Mr. Boer. May God be pleased to continue to bless your ministry. Looking forward to your next visit God willing." – Rep. of Ireland

"Really enjoyed the Romans 9 tapes. Absolutely fantastic." – England

"Was listening to 'The New Birth' series again this week. I think my favourites are 1) Jehoshaphat 2) Romans 9 and 3) 'The New Birth' ... There is, as you said, widespread unbelief concerning the new birth in the professing church. The sermons really cleared up the ‘born of water’ phrase for me." – Rep. of Ireland

"Many thanks for the tape you sent me, very interesting. I have passed it on to neighbours of ours." – England

"Thank you so much for the tapes [of the Psalm singing debate] which you so speedily sent me. I really enjoyed them. There are a lot of books that interest me in your catalogue ..." – N. Ireland

"Many many thanks for the tapes and information you have sent us ... we are really grateful and look forward to lots of listening and reading!" – S. Wales

"Thank you for your e-mail ... May I also add that you ought to turn your outstanding sermons on your Corinthians chapter 7 series into a book. They are very edifying in these apostate times of broken marriages. As Christians we may not be able to stop the divorce rate rising, but a book on your sermons, in the right hands, could do so much good. On a personal note those sermons have greatly strengthened my resolve to remain committed to my wife (a nominal Christian) though she has deserted me." – England

"Many thanks for tape received yesterday on ‘The 1000 Years of Revelation.’ An excellent addition to our tape library. Will possibly advertise this title in this month’s notice in the paper ... plus another title, still to be decided. I am trying to use those which will attract those who are not necessarily affiliated with a church, but also of course, those who are. Hope you will have a blessed Sabbath together as you meet again ..." – New Zealand

"Could you please forward me the following tapes ... Found your tapes on Romans 9 very rewarding ... Could you also e-mail your Covenant Reformed News. Also [send] the free pamphlet on 'Biblical Ground for the Baptism of Infants.'" – England

"Thank you for the tape on ‘The Lord’s Day’ ... I’ve also enclosed a cheque for tapes over the last quarter. We are listening to the series on Abraham as a family on Sunday evenings, which are proving very beneficial. Especially as we had to hear some appalling sermons ... on these same chapters about a year ago. So this series will act as a corrective, but more than that give us a much better and understanding of this important part of the Bible." – S. Wales

"... my husband and I meet every Sunday at 10:00AM with [friends] at their home to worship God. We have a set order of worship ... we listen to one of your sermons that was downloaded from your Internet site, and we close by singing Psalter 197. We discuss the message, and then we eat lunch. At around 4:00PM ... we listen to another one of your sermons ... My husband has downloaded several of your sermons and the Psalters." – Idaho, USA

"I have been greatly blessed by your church’s tape and book ministry and will continue to make the odd contribution from time to time. May our God continue to bless your ministry; I think I have been in touch with the Ballymena fellowship since the mid 90s and exchanged many friendly e-mails with Ron Hanko for whom I have the greatest respect ..." – England

"We are delighted to hear of the increasing numbers receiving the News and visiting the website. We pray that the Lord would be pleased to maintain CPRF’s witness to the truth ...We continue to find the tapes a great source of blessing and pray that the Lord would grant you grace and encouragement in your labours for His glory." – N. Ireland

"... the series on Abraham has been excellent, edifying, and a great challenge to me on living out my faith in a day of declension. I have also been listening to the tape 'Problems with Revivals' ... Please pass on my greetings to Prof.. Hanko and his dear wife. I am looking forward to receiving the tapes over the next three weeks. He always is a joy and an encouragement to listen to." – W. Yorkshire, England

"It was lovely talking to you the other day ... but much looking forward to seeing you before long ... Your '1000 Years of Revelation 20' tape is really something and indeed the Lord has used you to be a blessing to me. Besides, I now have a better view of Israel ... Thank you again for all your help." – Co. Armagh, N. Ireland

"I am grateful for all the good work you’re doing. The PRC website is such a help to me and it is great to be able to download the sermons on an MP3. For a small church you and your people are doing a fine work." – France

"Thank you for sending the Covenant Reformed News both by e-mail and by ordinary post ... I find it so much easier to carry it around with me and read it when I will and, of course, doing so twice over ... I should like to thank you for the series on Jehoshaphat which I find most enlightening. I have never previously heard any sermons on II Chronicles and if nothing else sticks (though I hope it does) verse 2 of the nineteenth chapter will. If I have to tread a lonely path for a season, so be it!" – Suffolk, England

"I spoke to [a friend] last night and she mentioned that she had listened to the Romans 9 sermons. She found them to be excellent. I looked at the website and saw that I can download them on my Ipod (Mp3), which I have done. I look forward to listening to them. It’s great to have access to your sermons (I have now hundred of them from Hudsonville on the Ipod). David Engelsma’s ‘common grace’ and ‘world-flight’ article in the PRTJ is excellent! ... Thanks for the great work you are doing." – France

"Thank you for your letter ... I did enjoy the lecture on Revelation 20 that Friday evening. It helped to clarify my thoughts on that chapter ... Yes, Romanism and Arminianism are bedfellows with Dispensationalism & Pre-Millennialism lurking under the bed! Thank you for the stuff you sent! God bless you." – South Wales

"Many thanks for the series of Prof. Hanko tapes that you have sent me and the Tsunami tape that Rev. Stewart preached. It’s good to be fed with solid material." – Brighton

"Many thanks for the books and extra pamphlets. I look forward to studying them. Thank you too for the monthly C. R. News. They are much appreciated." – Merseyside

"Is it possible for you to send me another copy of a tape from last year’s BRF Conference ... Our daughter and son-in-law have asked for the whole set, so they can listen to them at home, and perhaps share them with Christian friends of theirs. We hope this will be a great blessing to them and to others who may hear these tapes ... This coming week will see the notice [for our tape library] in our local paper, of the sermon by Rev. Stewart, entitled ‘God & the Tsunami.’ We wait to see what, if any, response this will bring forth, and also to pray that the Lord will bring about the result which he has already in eternity ordained." – New Zealand

"Well done in your defence of exclusive psalmody in your debate with Rev. Foster. I have only just heard the recording of the debate. I think that you put the position well and did well ..." – Australia

"I was searching after church sites looking for sermons about certain topics. I listen to the audio sermons on sometimes. Which I think is very good by the way. Very helpful. So I looked also on the link for the book [Absolute Predestination]. The subject of predestination is something I keep interested in ..." – Netherlands

"... I was very impressed with the Ireland site. They have so many interesting articles, also from very old reformers. I think my own church could learn from this. The message from the past is still as relevant today." – Netherlands

"We have lived in Northern Idaho for the past seven years and have been listening to your sermons for nearly a year now. We have profited greatly from them and have shared them with our 2 sons and one daughter in Illinois, also our daughter and her family who live in California." – Idaho, USA

"Just heard you on the Talkback programme today [Friday, 16 September 2005] ... Really, really appreciated that. Thank you very much. Sound exegesis and application." – Crumlin, N. Ireland

Really enjoyed your comments on Talkback ... a breath of fresh air." – Carrickfergus, N. Ireland

"We have had great blessings listening to the tapes received last May ... We greatly appreciated the Lord’s Day [bulletin] that you sent us. Is it possible for another to be sent to us? Also could we order one of your hymn books please? It would be good to have the Psalms in verse ... You will appreciate by this that the tapes we already had, and those purchased from you are of great blessing. Your complete service tapes are a bonus, as we feel it is having fellowship. Our Christian love, and greetings to the Rev. Angus Stewart, to your fellowship, and your families and the whole assembly." – Oxford, England

"I have just listened to your Talkback interview and thought it was excellent. It was a clear stand not just against the false view of many Northern Irish Christians about civil disobedience, but to the church world in general ... It was a clear concise explanation of the biblical position and I hope God will bless your witness on this subject." – Bristol, England

"Yes, I am very much interested in the Covenant Reformed News. I have already listened to one of your sermons about singleness and marriage. I like it, so I am much interested in further reading. Thank you very much. You can send it the way which is most easy which is probably e-mail." – Netherlands

"I pray you are all keeping well. We had a good turn out [at the last] lecture on the blessed Virgin Mary. Another excellent lecture." – Limerick, Rep. of Ireland

"Many thanks for the tapes of Prof. Herman Hanko; he is a truly gifted preacher and as I have been rather unwell for some time they are an asset and an encouragement to me, as I can’t always get to fellowship." – England

"Thank you for your recent address to the Aberdeen Branch of the Scottish Reformation Society on the Synod of Dordt. I enjoyed your address very much and if you will forgive me for doing so, I have taken the liberty of photocopying the study guide and will likely photocopy selected pages of the Three Forms of Unity ... The subject you addressed is a topic that perhaps deserves a wider audience still and is certainly worthy of additional diligent and careful study. Thank you once again for your wonderful and timely message ..." – Scotland

"Greetings to you and all the fellowship of the CPRF. The tapes each week continue to be edifying and of great blessing. Thank you for your stand for the truth. It is so greatly needed in our day" – England

"I saw the CPRF web site and I carefully read some of it and listened to your message 'What is True Faith?' which I appreciated." – Washington DC, USA

"I have very much appreciated the tape of sermons on Romans 9. I have listened to them for a full year now." – England

"... at [one] time my position was like John Wesley, that God loves and intends to save all man, head for head. But God changed my life by sudden departure of my younger sister who died of brain haemorrhage at the age of 22. The question of assurance of salvation after death suddenly popped up both in my mind and my parents’. The Arminian doctrine is of no comfort to us and has brought us much grief! I searched the web for info on the doctrine of assurance and perseverance. I found and downloaded the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dordt. And I know Holy Spirit was at work then because as I was reading through them, it brought tears in my eyes. My doubt was finally answered [by Heidelberg Catechism] Question 1. ‘What is thy only comfort in life and death? ...’ By His grace—since then I continue to read all I could about the Reformed faith and compare it to the Word of God like the Bereans (Acts 17:11)—all via internet downloads and listening to MP3 sermons (e.g., Rev. Angus Stewart on Romans 9). I also shared the doctrines to my parents and my wife—they have accepted, believed and draw comfort from the truth of God’s election." – Malaysia

"A word of thanks for the cassettes you sent me. I really appreciate it. I have listened to your lecture on 'Calvin versus Pighius' and 'Does God Desire to Save the Reprobate?' and learned a lot from the teaching. May our Lord richly bless your ministry." - S. Africa

"Thank you for the tapes ... when you're hungry, it is great to be fed." – Scotland

"I have now heard the set of sermons from John 18:36-37 on ‘Christ’s Kingdom Not of This World,’ first, on my own, and then with a friend, and lastly with my own dear husband. We have just finished reading through Isaiah in our evening devotions, so we decided to take a break and listen to the three sermons before we begin on Jeremiah. Most edifying and excellent teaching which we both enjoy and appreciate." – New Zealand

"Blessed by His name—my prayer was answered! [A friend] passed on the tapes on Romans 9 and boys, what an effect it had! Not only that but the tapes, the preaching, the creeds and the books (including internet articles from the PRC website) have been a tremendous blessing to me. I cannot express just how much—only to say that the grace I have received in this short time has enabled me to be secure and assured in the Father’s love, His sovereignty, His power and in my own relation to Him. The teachings can be hard on the flesh—but when prayerfully submitted to they become a joy. I have been picked up out of the gutter, so to speak, and I feel as if I have been set on a rock and have been strengthened. Just goes to show that salvation and sanctification is all of grace, all of Him and nothing of our own work. I have such a long way to go but the way is clear now. I can regard the former things in my life now, as Paul puts it, like dung and am sorry that I was unthankful enough to mourn for them. I also realise that I was not feeding on the right type of spiritual food—I have spoken before of the confusion in our fellowship, as well as poor preaching and a disregard for the Word. In comparison the preaching of Rev. Stewart is so much more superior—and I don’t mean that so much as a compliment but more as an acknowledgement of the truth that an anointed, qualified minister can really mine the Word of God to reveal its treasure—and what a treasure it is!"

"Thank you very much for sending the tape, ‘The Bondage of the Will.’ I am looking forward to hearing it again. I think it is excellent. Thank you, too, for including Steven Houck's booklet [on the same subject]. It makes things so clear. For many months now I have been meeting with a friend who sadly, considers all spiritual matters through the spectacles of an ardent dispensational/Arminian. If the Lord will, next time she comes, I shall give her the tape to listen to. Would you kindly send me your free catalogues. Perhaps you could point me to items that help to explain the sovereignty of God. I know it is only the Lord who can open His people’s hearts and give them understanding." – England

"... greetings to you in the Body of Christ, thank you for the latest batch [sermon tapes]. My, that Rev. Stewart does preach close to the marrow! Thank God you have such a ministry as that Gift among you, we are just grateful that a preacher can complete a sermon without too obvious a bent towards Arminian tendencies, although, have been pleasantly surprised lately, and ought to hesitate before criticising with harsh words and thoughts, but most I hope for is a train of thought that will lead to good Bible study afterwards at home. So, thanks again for casting a few crumbs of comfort to one that sitteth alone as the sparrow on the rooftop. How great and good is our God to undeserving sinners ..."

"Many thanks for an excellent exposition of I Corinthians 7. What you said about divorce and desertion is truly biblical ... The tape about marriage to an unbeliever was extremely helpful as this tape dealt with my own situation."

"I have found real blessing in hearing the messages on Romans 9 and have never heard such clear teaching on this subject. This is what I believe and rejoice in. Is it possible to receive the tapes of the evening service at Ballymena? ... May God richly bless you all." – England

"Following our phone conversation, please let me have 4 copies of the tapes on "Calvin vs. Pighius" by Mr. Stewart." – Scotland

"... It's always good to have fellowship on the phone with you and thank you for the time you give. It always encourages me and helps me to feel part of your ministry and the CPRF. I continue to be challenged by the tapes and to be built up in my faith. I pray that others will also."

"I just want to continue to show my love and appreciation for your ministry of the Word of truth. Your ministry brings great comfort to one who is surrounded by confusing doctrine, worldly worship and man-centred teaching. What truth that is taught is nullified by the mixing of Arminian doctrine and puerile worship. All of which leads to the dumbing down of teaching and evangelism … Thanks to our great God and His providence I do have sound teaching and worship even if it’s only by use of tapes. Both series on 'The Tongue' and 'Christ’s Kingdom Not of This World' were challenging and even demanding, but need to be heeded. The fact that our Lord’s kingdom is not of this world is of great comfort for all who struggle in their callings and locations in this life. If the kingdom is to be found in this world then our present day both in society and the church looks bleak. But our hope and help is in the Lord who made heaven and earth. So we can stand fast in our faith and with all who hold to our good Confessions. May our great God continue to bless you and the CPRF along with the PRC in His service and to His glory!"

"I wish to thank you for the tapes on Romans 9 and the one on ‘The Real St. Patrick.’ I found them most edifying … for we are in days of great apostasy and it is refreshing to hear the doctrines of grace preached with true conviction again. The Lord saved me here over 20 years ago, and it is through books, literature, and tapes, that the Lord has caused me to grow in grace and in the knowledge of His word. The fellowships here are ecumenical, charismatic, pre-millennial, Arminian, and in recent months all fellowships now only use only the NIV translation, the old King James is now totally abandoned, and so the received text is no longer regarded as the word of God. In such an atmosphere, I have found it impossible to have true fellowship in a local church. Your tapes and literature are therefore a great help to me. So I pray that the Lord will continue to bless your ministry."

"… I felt like moving to Ballymena and going to your church as it was so awful here last Sunday. Ah well. Thank you so much for the tapes! I want to listen to the last one you sent again."

"Just a short note to let you and the church know how much I'm appreciating the Sunday service tapes that I'm now receiving weekly. I feel it is the kind of ministry I've been longing for in my heart, yet never quite hear from Welsh evangelical preachers. It seems to me nearer to the Scriptures that I've been reading for years. I'm deeply grateful to the providence of God, which has brought you to my awareness ... I would also like to ask for the set of tapes on Romans 9, as I only started receiving them towards the end of the series. Also ... I would like the tapes of Prof. Hanko on ‘The World Before the Flood.’ Do pass on my greetings to your pastor, Rev. Angus Stewart, maybe one day we shall be able to meet. With much thankfulness to our God, and with Christian love and greetings to you all."

"Thanks for the sermon tape on ‘The Blessed Virgin Mary,’ very clear ... Incidentally I have a habit of passing on tapes to other believers … Thanks to your little oasis for providing a fountain of truth … God is good to us."

"Someone has highly recommended the tape ministry by Rev. Angus Stewart ... Would you be so kind as to let me have these as I am searching for the truth on this great subject expounded in Romans 9," – England

"I have just listened to Prof. Hanko’s sermon tape and it really is excellent. He really has both the doctrinal knowledge and the unction to put across a message in an enlightening and heart warming but thoroughly challenging way. I could listen to him every Lord’s Day for the rest of my life. So much of what we hear these days is milk; he provides the meat I have looked for for years. God bless him and his work." – England

"... The tapes are getting great circulation down here … [A friend] ... recently came to faith in the Lord and already has clearly seen that the sovereignty of God fills the pages of His Word. I’ve passed on some tapes to him and he is very interested in getting to grips with hard issues and questions that he has not been able to get anyone to answer!!! I’ve told him that he will get the pure thing from the CPRF ... I’ve been greatly blessed over the past number of months. I hope you know what I mean when I say that the messages are sinking in and that I am really grappling with them. There are new things for me in what I’ve heard and I really want to do the right thing before the Lord." – Rep. of Ireland

"We have been listening to your series on Romans 9 from the Internet. We thank the Lord for your series and the blessings it brings to us. We realize more and more where the remnant of the Lord is today preaching the Word of Truth and though we are yet far from the true reformed faith, we feel closer than ever to the comfort from the Lord’s true teachers He left us in these times of apostasy from the Truth. The Lord is faithful! ... We are specifically coming out of the Roman Catholic and Church of Christ and have been in contact with the PRC in Colorado ... May the Lord bless you and keep you." – Texas, USA

"I look forward to listening to the preaching [on tape]; from what I have heard, the Lord helps your pastor. May He so bless the hearers. God willing, I’ll send a donation once a month to cover expenses, if that is OK with you." – England

"I got your sermons on ‘The New Birth.’ I listened to the first one today, and greatly appreciated it. I hope to listen to the second one soon ... May God bless your listeners (in Ballymena or through the tape ministry)." – Rep. of Ireland

"I continually give thanks to our God for your ministry of the truth. The clear and distinct reformed preaching which comes each week builds up my faith and love for the truth which is so sadly compromised by so many in our day, which leads to confusion and ultimately doubt and unbelief in the churches. How our Three Forms of Unity protect us from this confusion and departure! I have just started to listen again to your sermons on Romans 9 and it struck me just how much of today’s evangelism is lacking in Paul’s heartfelt sorrow for his lost people ... many churches engage in evangelism out of reluctant duty rather than faith, hope and charity. It’s cold, reluctant and formal. Then they wonder why it does not work. May our Lord keep us from mere formal piety in our evangelism and grant us a heart that loves and sorrows for our neighbours." – England

"Many thanks for the tapes which I find edifying. May the Lord continue to bless your missionary fellowship. I have managed to put the tapes into the hands of [three friends] ... I do believe that there has been a good response. We must keep on praying that the Lord will work in their hearts so that we will have a separated reformed witness in this city. I found the tape on 'Martin Luther and the Bondage of the Will' also very good. I have given that to a man ... Again, many thanks." – Republic of Ireland

"I continue to enjoy listening to tapes from CPRF sources." – Wales

"Thank you for your continued ministry through your taped sermons and the Covenant Reformed News ... I want to show my continued support and appreciation for the work and ministry of the CPRF, through the only way I can by prayer and gifts ... The more I learn of the distinct teaching of the PRC & CPRF the more I believe in it and long to be a part of such fellowship and ministry ... How good it is to have the antidote in Reformed teaching. It’s an encouragement to my soul and helps me to rise above any discouragement I feel in the midst of a growing declension with in the church of God today."

"I want to continue to show my thankfulness to our Lord for the ministry of the truth that comes from Ballymena week by week ... Without the grace of God and His providential hand, I would still be trapped in modern evangelicalism and its errors. May God bless you and your labours." – England

"I continue to be challenged by the tapes and to be built up in my faith. I pray that others will also." – England

"Could you possibly let us have copies of the three tapes on 'Christ’s Kingdom Not of This World' please? We have dear Christian friends who have grown up in an Arminian background, with all of its ramifications, but who are really coming along wonderfully well in the Reformed faith ... This series would be absolutely ideal, as they are avidly reading the monthly News from Ballymena, and have a great respect for and liking for Rev. Stewart’s clear way of teaching the truth. (They also subscribe to the Standard Bearer nowadays, which is great.) So if it is possible, I would be delighted to share those tapes with them. And of course, with any other of our friends who are willing to listen to them." – New Zealand

"I have just listened to the Romans 9 series of sermons. I’m really looking forward to getting more material."

"Thanks very much for organizing the tapes! I’m really looking forward to them. Just let me know the costs, etc. ... One big need we have is in the area of teaching, mainly due to the fact that we have no full time workers. Some of the older men are blessed and have tremendous knowledge of the Bible and with walking with the Lord. However, because we are made up of people from many different backgrounds and traditions certain subjects are ‘avoided’ so as not to rock the boat ...????!!!!???? It means that what you get is solid enough but there is an absence of real depth in other areas. There is also an uneasy mix of Calvinism and Arminianism in the preaching depending on who is speaking ... confusion! Nonetheless, we pray that the Lord will fortify us and build us up in the knowledge of himself ... There are a few of us that have a great hunger for preaching and teaching that espouses the reformed view. To me it represents the pure, undistilled power of the gospel in all its majesty, and while I am still relatively a babe in Christ—saved 6 years—and have an awful lot to learn, I am really drawn to the work of the Reformers and the Puritans. The quality and clarity of the messages I’ve listened to by Rev. Stewart so far are excellent. They have been both challenging and inspiring." – Rep. of Ireland

"I really am enjoying (if that’s the right way of putting it) the tapes and the material you have sent to me. I have been reading the Three Forms of Unity in detail and have been really looking into the issues surrounding God’s sovereign grace in election and reprobation. The preaching of Rev. Stewart has certainly highlighted these areas and while I have always tended this way from my reading of Scripture I believe that I am grappling with these truths in a very deep manner. Thanks again for the excellent ministry and the way this material is being spread." – Republic of Ireland

"Thank you for your continued ministry of the truth, through both tapes and literature. The series on Romans 9 is especially clear and forthright on the issue of Almighty God’s sovereignty in election and the ongoing debate about common grace and the free offer. What I don’t understand is if God’s love is towards all men, what do the defenders of common grace say to those who are suffering starvation, war, terminal illness? Locally in our newspaper unbelievers have picked this point up in debates in the letter page. Sadly none of the defenders of God’s love to all men have ever replied. Even ministers are silent on man’s suffering, only being able to say ‘God loves you,’ to which unbelievers say, so what good is that in man’s suffering. Also if our God desires to save all, what about those who have never heard the gospel? There are countless numbers throughout history never to have heard the gospel. If God desires their salvation, surely he must have other ways of saving? It’s alright saying God loves you but how is that worked out and evidenced in reality of man’s daily living when he has no peace, no food, no gospel, no health and no hope? Praise God there is a gospel and it is sovereign, particular and all of grace. May our Lord bless your distinctive ministry. To continually show my own support and appreciation, I assure you of my prayer for you, CPRF and the PRC. I also enclose a gift towards the work our God has called you to. Also, I look forward to hearing Rev. W. Bruinsma’s ministry."

"I would like you to know how much I’m appreciating your tape ministry. Sean Courtney has been sending me the Sunday tapes since around February of this year. I have been helped especially by two series: one from Romans 9 and the other from James 3 on the tongue. A few years ago I came across the teaching or view that we should be singing the Psalms in worship, which instantly interested me deeply and I have been trying to find out as much as possible on the subject since, so it is a delight to listen in to your Sunday a.m. and Sunday p.m. services and hear the Psalms being sung. What does impress me is the wonderful harmony and unity that flows from the Bible and the whole service. No doubt the careful choice of psalms must facilitate this. I also love the AV Bible and it’s a joy to my heart to hear the Scriptures read and preached in the AV. The minister of the chapel we attend uses the NKJV. Oh there is such a jarring and a jangling going on when it is read ... I would like to pass on a gift to the church to cover the cost of the tapes, and may they continue to come. I would also add that I am praying for you and the church every morning and trust God will prosper and bless you all." – Wales

"I have been listening to your sermons on Romans 9:1-24. I have thoroughly enjoyed listening ... I have been delighted to hear the great truths about God’s absolute sovereignty being so clearly presented. I feel that it is only right that I should let you know that I greatly appreciate ... your ministry of the Word. I thank you sincerely. Thank you too for your excellent address on 'The Real Saint Patrick.' I have obtained your sermons on John 17 ['Christ’s High Priestly Prayer'], but have not listened to them all yet. I have ordered your sermons on 'The Tongue' and 'Christ’s Kingdom Not of This World.' I am very pleased to be receiving the Covenant Reformed News regularly. I am forwarding a cheque for the work of the CPRF. God bless you always." – England

"I have just listened to a series of talks by Rev. A. Stewart on Romans 9 and have appreciated the message very much. The tapes were loaned to me by a friend. I would like to get details as to how to obtain more like them for myself. Can you send on this info?"

"Thank you so much for the tape on 'What is True Faith?' I shall hopefully listen to it this evening. The set of tapes 'lent' me were very good (marriage etc.). I even 'sang along' with the Psalms!" – Wales

"Thank you for your continued ministry through the taped Sabbath day services. I have found the series on David very encouraging and challenging. They speak very clearly to me in my own situation, that I must wait patiently, seek the kingdom and live righteously in our day of evil ..."