A Brief Outline of the Canons of Dordt (1618-19),
the Original Five Points of Calvinism
Rev. Angus Stewart
Head I: Of Divine Predestination (Unconditional
A. History
- All have sinned and deserve eternal death
- God sent His Son
- God sends preachers
- Not all believe
B. Explanation
- The source of faith and unbelief
- Faith is according to God’s decree
C. Meaning
- Definition of election
- One election
- Unconditional election
- Sovereign election
- Unchangeable election
D. Elaboration
- The assurance of election
- Election and piety
- Election must be preached
- Reprobation commends election
E. Different classes of people
- Those alarmed at reprobation
- Children of believers dying in infancy
- Murmurers
Head II: Of the Death of Christ and the Redemption of Men Thereby
(Limited Atonement)
A. The necessity of Christ’s redemption
- God’s justice demands satisfaction
- Christ makes satisfaction
- Christ’s satisfaction is of infinite value
- Why Christ’s satisfaction is of infinite value
B. The preaching of Christ’s redemption
- The promise of the gospel
- The guilt of unbelief
- The gift of faith
C. The accomplishment of Christ’s redemption
- Particular redemption
- Effectual redemption
Heads III and IV: Of the Corruption of Man, His Conversion to God and
the Manner Thereof (Total Depravity and Irresistible Grace)
A. Man’s corruption (see I:1)
- The fall
- Original sin
- Total depravity
B. The way of salvation
- The light of nature (No)
- The law (No)
- The Holy Spirit applying the gospel (Yes)
C. The preaching
- Its extent in OT and NT days (see I:3)
- Its serious call (see II:5)
D. The two responses
- Why some refuse to come (see II:6)
- Why others are converted (see II:7)
E. Regeneration
- The nature of regeneration
- The wonder of regeneration
- The incomprehensibility of regeneration
F. Faith
- Faith is the gift of God
- Faith is unmerited
G. Man’s responsibility
- We are not stocks and blocks
- We must use the means of grace
Head V: Of the Perseverance of the Saints (Perseverance of the Saints)
A. The saint’s depravity
- Our remaining sin
- Our sins and spots
- Our inability to persevere of ourselves
B. The saint’s sins
- Our falling into sins
- The results of our sins
- Yet we cannot fall away
C. Why the saints cannot fall away
- Our regeneration and renewal
- The works of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit
D. The assurance of preservation and perseverance
- It is obtained by us
- How it is obtained by us
- It does not exclude our having carnal lusts
E. The fruit of the saint’s assurance of preservation and perseverance
- Not pride or carnal security but godliness
- Not licentiousness or a disregard to piety but carefulness
F. Different perspectives on the perseverance of the saints
- God uses the means of grace to preserve the saints
- The views of the ungodly and of the church on the perseverance of
the saints
Click here to read a special edition of the Standard Bearer on
the Synod of Dordt.