Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
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Quotes from Covenant Reformed News Readers




"Many thanks for sending me the Covenant Reformed News each month. May I say that I found the March 2006 issue (‘Married to an Unbeliever 1’) particularly good ... Your article is the best every one I’ve yet seen to tackle the subject of married to an unbeliever. Indeed, I look forward, D.V., to receiving the further instalments in this series." - Essex


"I would like to thank you for sending me the pamphlets. They have been very helpful. I am a believer and ... have been reading books by Calvin and Luther and have started to question some of the things I have been taught. Could you add me to your [C. R. News] mailing list?" - Co. Antrim, N. Ireland


"Thank you for the very prompt dispatch of the books ... Yes I would like to receive the Covenant Reformed News by post." - Dorset, England


"Your monthly Covenant Reformed News is both inspirational and entertaining. I would like to receive the News [by e-mail]." - Kenya


"Thank you so much for loyally sending the C. R. News ... I do so enjoy reading the articles contained in it and am always amazed at the clear and concise way in which many weighty topics are balanced with essential Biblical doctrines in such a short amount of space. I find they have been helpful for the building up of my faith. I find it more and more essential to be grounded in the faith and clear about doctrine, especially in our ‘religious’ age that makes more noise than displays content." - England


"Excellent articles on marriage. I have retained 2 & 4 and am missing 1 & 3. Could you please forward as I would like to share with my pastor who has run a course on marriage ..." - South Wales


"Thank you for sending me the Covenant Reformed News, it is a blessing to me as a fairly new Christian ..." - Shropshire, England

"I am interested and encouraged by the growth in the CPRF. I see most of the weekly [bulletins] and have marked with interest your progress." - Clwyd, Wales

"I have enjoyed reading the C. R. News previously and I am sure that I shall continue to do so." - Kent, England

"Very many thanks for the two items of news of and from your fellowship at Ballymena. How comforting it is to read that the Word of God is having free course. Our thoughts and prayers are for you all." - Oxford, England

''Many thanks for the very informative material that I received today and the news about the fellowship. Good to know how the Lord is working there ... The C. R. News continues to be a blessing with difficult passages simply explained." - Co. Armagh, N. Ireland

"Thank you for the Covenant Reformed News it is most helpful and is always gratefully received as an oasis in the desert." - England

"Just a note to say thank you for the News, etc., by e-mail. Also when you send out advance notice of radio interviews I try to make a point of listening ... [The website Bookstore] is impressive, clean and tidy." - N. Ireland

"This is a note to express my gratitude for mailing to me regularly copies of the Covenant Reformed News. The truths expressed by yourself and others of the Reformed faith are as showers of blessing in a land where truths based on the word of God seem to be scarce today. I find your literature inspirational and enlightening. Thank you, may the Lord bless you in all your labours." - N. Ireland

"Thank you for sending me your News every month. It has been a real help and encouragement." - England

''I appreciate very much the Covenant Reformed News sent to me regularly. Thanks for much. I am a retired Baptist minister." - Wales

"Once again thanks for the CR News, etc. Still enjoy reading all materials sent." - Wales

"Just a note to say thank you for the CR News I receive every month. I really study and learn from it very much, especially in these apostate days." - South Africa

"Again, thanks for the News, etc." - Wales

"I want to express my appreciation for being sent the News over the past few years. Thank you for sending it to me. I find its articles very helpful." - England

"Many thanks indeed for posting on to me your CR News which I find very helpful indeed." - Wales

"... I am grateful that you have continued the CR News started by Rev. Ron Hanko, whose recently published book based on articles for the CR News I am now reading with great pleasure. Also, your recent article on how one should treat one’s enemies was a personal reminder to me (no, a wake-up call!) to forgive and forget some recent incidents in my life ... Again thank you for sending me your News. They are always weighty and enjoyable to read." - England

"Could you please forward me the following tapes ... Found your tapes on Romans 9 very rewarding ... Could you also e-mail your Covenant Reformed News. Also [send] the free pamphlet on 'The Biblical Ground for the Baptism of Infants.'" - England

"The C.R. News is much appreciated." - England

"Would you please add my name to your mailing list so that I might receive the Covenant Reformed News regularly. I obtained your name and address from the English Churchman." - Central African Republic

"I very much appreciated your note, and let me also add that your articles on Judas Iscariot have clarified in my mind some important points that I needed to know." - England

"We are delighted to hear of the increasing numbers receiving the News and visiting the website. We pray that the Lord would be pleased to maintain CPRF’s witness to the Truth ... We continue to find the tapes a great source of blessing and pray that the Lord would grant you grace and encouragement in your labours for His glory." - N. Ireland

"Thank you for the Covenant Reformed News. I find it most helpful."- Surrey

"Thank you for sending the Covenant Reformed News both by e-mail and by ordinary post ... I find it so much easier to carry it around with me and read it when I will and, of course, doing so twice over ... I should like to thank you for the series on Jehoshaphat which I find most enlightening. I have never previously heard any sermons on II Chronicles and if nothing else sticks (though I hope it does) verse 2 of the nineteenth chapter will. If I have to tread a lonely path for a season, so be it!" - Suffolk, England

"We did so enjoy reading our copy of the latest CR News, and thank you for sending us them so faithfully. I always greatly enjoy putting the other copies into various envelopes for the folks we send them on to, and naming the ones I give by hand. And thank-you too, for the new bookstore and pamphlet catalogue. Reading through them is giving me some ideas as to how to place them before the readers of our local paper. I plan, the Lord willing ... to place a notice in once a month, with a title of either a book or tape, which will catch the attention of the ‘general readers’ of the paper. This way, God willing, we will eventually catch someone’s interest and prod them into borrowing a tape and/or buying a book ... I have placed a notice already, which is mentioning in particular your lecture on the 1000 Years ... May our God graciously bless these efforts to the edification of His people in our land in which there is a deadly apathy abroad as to spiritual things." - New Zealand

''Thank you very much for sending your C. R. News ... I pray our covenant God to continue to uphold you and prosper your ministry for His own glory." - Australia

''Thank you for all the back issues of the C. R. News that you sent me. I read all of those some time ago and appreciated them tremendously. I think they complement the Standard Bearer and RFPA books very well and I look forward very much to their coming. (I’m reading Reformed Dogmatics at the moment)." - England

''Thank you for being so loyal in sending the C. R. News by e-mail. I do so much appreciate the articles contained within the C. R. News and have come to learn more over time how important it is to retain a covenant perspective when studying the Bible in order to avoid falling into any form of dispensationalism and driving a wedge between the Old and New Testaments. I do feel there needs to be more attention paid to the reasons for retaining this God-given covenant perspective, especially in today’s church, plus the pitfalls that may arise by not holding to such a view. May the Word of the Lord continue to reveal His truth to us in our generation." - Surrey

''Just a note to thank you for sending me your C. R. News, which I find very helpful indeed ... I have recently received copies of my "Book Club" issues, Reformed Dogmatics, vol. 2 and Unfolding Covenant History, vol. 5. My initial delving into their content is most enlightening, as was Ron Hanko’s Doctrine According to Godliness. To continue my studies, would you please post to me ..." - Cardiff

"Thanks for the CR News ... very stimulating reading." - Merseyside

"Please find enclosed cheque for 2 books, and I am sending [a donation] to help you with postage and printing for your leaflets which come regularly. I really enjoy them very much indeed. They are greatly appreciated. May God bless you in your work for Him." - Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland

"Yes, I am very much interested in the Covenant Reformed News. I have already listened to one of your sermons about singleness & marriage. I like it, so I am much interested in further reading. Thank you very much. You can send it the way which is most easy which is probably e-mail." - Netherlands

''Thank you for sending me the leaflet which I requested. It arrived today. It is good that I am able to have access to Reformed material and it is good to hear that the bookstore is distributing large amounts of sound literature. I am hoping to be able to visit Ballymena again next year." - Scotland

''Your newsletters, etc., are much appreciated." - Suffolk, England

''Once again, on behalf of my dear husband and myself, we send our grateful thanks, love, and fellowship in Christ, to the saints at Covenant Protestant Reformed Fellowship ... We are continually blessed, and thank God for this letter ministry. For the truth of the Gospel proclaimed through this ministry. To God be the glory.'' - Scotland

''Enclosed please find a cheque for £20 for postage costs in sending me the Covenant Reformed News. I do enjoy reading them and get much blessing from them. Thank you for sending ''Copy'' letters re the film Passion of the Christ ... It is very sad that many Presbyterian ministers went to see the film ...'' - N. Ireland

''Thank you very much for the CR News. It is very good of you to send them. So much that passes for Reformed these days is in fact rather less so ... For a good number of years I received literature from the PR Churches and also the British Reformed Fellowship so I have had an interest in your own congregation from its inception and I remember you at the Throne of Grace'' - Australia

''I am most grateful indeed for the Covenant Reformed News faithfully sent me monthly. I have derived signal spiritual help and enlightenment therefrom and always look forward to the arrival of a new one ... an elderly Christian lady has expressed interest in the Covenant Reformed News as a result of perusing my copies. Could you please put her on your mailing list to receive these?'' - England

''I am very grateful for the News. Can I have another extra three?'' - Wales

''Thank you for sending me the Covenant Reformed News each month. I've enjoyed reading and learning from each leaflet especially articles on difficult passages from Scripture. I pray that God will bless all the literature which is sent out to build up Christians in their faith and deepen their knowledge of Holy Writ" - England

''Thank you for the CR News. I do enjoy the points raised and the teaching provided. Thank you also for the newspaper cuttings on Mel Gibson's film. I do agree with your comments and I am very glad to find at least a part of the UK which prints both sides of the debate. The media all too often is too politically correct to allow the protestant view to share space with liberal persuasions! ... please keep up the excellent work and struggle, in these dark days of pulpits full of liberalism. May the Lord be with you all!'' - Scotland

''Thank you for your continued ministry through your taped sermons and the Covenant Reformed News ... I want to show my continued support and appreciation for the work and ministry of the CPRF, through the only way I can by prayer and gifts ... The more I learn of the distinct teaching of the PRC & CPRF the more I believe in it and long to be a part of such fellowship and ministry.... How good it is to have the antidote in Reformed teaching. It’s an encouragement to my soul and helps me to rise above any discouragement I feel in the midst of a growing declension with in the church of God today.''

"Could you possibly let us have copies of the three tapes on 'Christ’s Kingdom Not of This World' please? We have dear Christian friends who have grown up in an Arminian background, with all of its ramifications, but who are really coming along wonderfully well in the Reformed faith ... This series would be absolutely ideal, as they are avidly reading the monthly News from Ballymena, and have a great respect for and liking for Rev. Stewart’s clear way of teaching the truth. (They also subscribe to the Standard Bearer nowadays, which is great.) So if it is possible, I would be delighted to share those tapes with them. And of course, with any other of our friends who are willing to listen to them." - New Zealand

"Just received in the mail your latest package of good reading. I am so thrilled to be able to read them myself, not only, but to pass on the Covenant Reformed News as each issue comes to hand. I know that they are being appreciated by their recipients here in New Zealand, and one even finds its way across the Tasman Sea now, to Brisbane, Australia!" - New Zealand

"Please find enclosed a cheque to assist with the postage costs of the Covenant Reformed News. It is always appreciated." - England

"Thank you for your letter regarding the Covenant Reformed News.... I would very much like to continue receiving CRN ... I am sending in some names (4) of true Christian people, who I am sure would be pleased also to receive the News."

"I have recently received a copy of the new Covenant Reformed News, and am very pleased that it is in print again. This is to confirm, please, that I would like to stay on your mailing list. Thank you for your loyalty and dedication to the Gospel and to ‘the more sure word.’"

"I used to read the Covenant Reformed News regularly, and appreciatively, although as a Reformed Baptist I didn’t dot every ‘I’ and cross every ‘T.’ I am so glad that you are sending it out again, and would like you to keep me on your mailing list … I am always on the look-out for good books for [friends]. If you send out booklists, then count me in for that as well!"

"Praise God that the Covenant Reformed News is published again. I am an invalid, heart-trouble, there is no Reformed Church near enough for me to attend, so look forward to the News. Could you send me a list of books and tapes?"

'I enjoy receiving the Covenant Reformed News ... the doctrines Rev. Stewart deals with are extremely important, and without an understanding of these truth's one's faith is likely to fail when trial or tragedy comes' - England

"I was pleased to see again an issue of the Covenant Reformed News and I am delighted to discover that I can receive it via e-mail."

"This is just a brief note to accompany the enclosed £10 to defray the cost of postage of the Covenant Reformed News which I look forward to receiving (DV) ... May the Lord bless you with the answer to the prayer of Numbers 6:24-26 ['The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace']; and with regard to you all at Ballymena with the emphasis on the words ‘keep’ and ‘peace.’" – England

"Your regular Covenant Reformed News is also much appreciated, following on from Ron Hanko’s papers ... May our God continue to bless you and your fellowship in N. Ireland." – Wales

"Thank you for ending me the Covenant Reformed News. It would certainly seem to promote the Reformed Faith and the brief items are interesting and informative …"

"Many thanks for your monthly Covenant Reformed News—very inspiring and interesting. I enclose stamps to help with your postage. No matter what cynical geologists write about Genesis, I will continue to cling to the Rock of Ages and ignore the arguments on the ages of rocks."

"The friend I mentioned is in Australia ... Please let me know if you are able to put him on your mailing list [for the Covenant Reformed News]." - Scotland

"Today, I read an article in the Impartial Reporter about the Covenant Reformed News. I would be interested in receiving a copy of this monthly publication, if possible." - N. Ireland

''It is with great agreement that I read your clear article in the English Churchman concerning 'September 11' (2001)—the bombing of the Trade Towers in New York. I do not read many papers etc, but yours is the first biblical answer I have read concerning this happening 2 years ago. Thank you. I have lived in this evil world for 85 years and am mercifully ... 'kept by the power of God.' Thank you for your bold stand.'' - England

"Please find enclosed a cheque towards the cost of producing the Covenant Reformed News." - Wales

"Thank you so much for the News. I think it is thrilling that prophecies about Israel in the OT are fulfilled in the ‘Church’ in the NT. To my mind, that makes it absolutely clear that, if God intended excluding children from the New Covenant, He would have said so. I also appreciate so much Prof. Hanko dealing with difficult verses." - England

"Just received Covenant Reformed News. Thanks so much for your faithfulness in sending them to us. They’re looked forward to and well received. One of my favourite pieces of post …"

"I would like to thank you for e-mailing me the Covenant Reformed News each time it is published. It always serves to provide one more focus for my thoughts upon heavenly and biblical themes which is and can only be good for me—always being drawn back to consider the work or love of my wonderful Saviour. Most times when I read the CR News, I learn something new or rejoice in the truths I already understand."

"I have been reading the copies of Covenant Reformed News which you so kindly sent me. I have very much enjoyed doing so. I find myself to be in agreement with most of what you have written. I was particularly impressed with your article on ‘September 11.’ In the November 2002 issue, two free pamphlets are offered ... I would be most grateful if you would please send me one copy of each. I am confident that I will approve of the contents of these pamphlets. If this should be the case, would it be permissible for me to have them photocopied to distribute to others?"

"I would like to be included on your mailing list [for the News] as there are references etc. which I could use in my piece ‘Food For Thought’ (in days like these), printed in our ‘Parish Magazine.’"

"Many thanks for the latest copy of the News ... in our local town I have started door to door witnessing, using tracts from yourselves. Amongst Christians (?) here is almost total apathy and indifference to sound doctrine but there are those that God is raising up, who love the Truth." – Wales

"I would be delighted to receive the Covenant Reformed News on a regular basis and the back issues also. My preferred format is e-mail."

"I am enjoying your Covenant Reformed News. Please find enclosed a cheque for your expenses." - N. Ireland

"I read on your website that your monthly Covenant Reformed News is available by post. I should be grateful to receive it, the Lord willing. May God bless your work and ministry in the UK." - England

"... I want to encourage you to know that myself and a brother in Christ do rejoice to have regular News and publications from Ballymena ... I am a member of the British Reformed Fellowship and would like to attend the 2004 conference so we may indeed yet meet this side of Jordan." - England

"... The January [2003] News has been so helpful. All three articles are so very good. I’ve seen, for the first time, that, of course, Jesus' parables were to make the kingdom clear (very easy to understand for the Jews particularly) so they were without excuse."

''I find the CR News sheet very encouraging. It helps me very much in my walk with the Lord Jesus''

''Thank you for your CR News which I always read with great interest ... I appreciate what you are doing ... ''