Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
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Covenant Protestant Reformed Church

83 Clarence Street, Ballymena BT43 5DR
Rev. Angus Stewart
Lord’s Day, 15 July, 2018

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind ...” (Rom. 12:2)

Morning Service - 11:00 AM

Comparing Ourselves With Others   [download]  [youtube]
Scripture Reading: II Corinthians 10
Text: II Corinthians 10:12

I. The Corinthian Context
II. The Wider Application
III. The Terrible Folly
Psalms: 106:1-7; 76:1-6; 115:1-11; 119:9-16

Evening Service - 6:00 PM

Faith Versus Doubt   [download]  [youtube]
Scripture Reading: John 20:1-10, 19-31; 21:24-25
Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 7

I. In the First Century
II. In Apostasy
III. In Us
Psalms: 103:1-7; 76:7-12; 25:15-22; 116:9-19

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

CPRC Website: • Live Webcast:
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Quotes to Consider

Robert Leighton: “Men compare themselves with men, and readily with the worst, and flatter themselves with that comparative betterness. This is not the way to see spots, to look into the muddy streams of profane men’s lives; but look into the clear fountain of the Word, and there we may both discern and wash them; and consider the infinite holiness of God, and this will humble us to the dust.”

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

We welcome Pete & Marilyn Adams (First PRC, Grand Rapids), Joshua Teo (CERC, Singapore) and Phebe Shand (Launceston EPC, Australia) to our worship services.

The new BRF book, Behold, I Come Quickly (£5), is now available, kindly brought over by the Adams.

On the back table are free Protestant Reformed Theological Journals and the new Covenant Reformed News.

Tuesday Bible Study at 11 AM will consider the burning of the Old Testament sacrifices (and eating parts of them).

The 2018 BRF Family Conference at Hebron Hall in S. Wales begins this Saturday. There will be a DVD next Lord’s Day in the CPRC.

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s Day (Gospel 846 MW at 8:30 AM) by Rev. Haak is entitled “The Prophet Who Ran Away” (Jonah 1:3).

There will be tea after the evening service on 29 July. Tea Rota: Group C.

Everyone is invited to a barbecue at the manse on Friday, 3 August, at 6:30 PM or as soon as you can make it thereafter. In order to know how much food is needed, please let the Stewarts know if you plan to come.

Offerings: General Fund: £865. Donation: £200 (England).

Translation Addition: 1 Italian.

PRC News: Prof. Cammenga, Rev. R. Kleyn and Rev. Griess will be traveling to Mexico City beginning 24 July to give speeches and make contact with a group of Presbyterian churches and church leaders there over two weeks. There are two denominations of Presbyterian churches they will be meeting with, along with the professors and students of John Calvin University. Doner Bartolon, who is from Mexico and who intends to start seminary training in our seminary soon, is the means by which God has allowed for this contact. Doner was born and raised in the Reformed faith in Mexico and has since become convicted of Protestant Reformed doctrine. First PRC (Grand Rapids) is sponsoring the trip as an investigative endeavour. In addition to preaching two Sundays, there will be five different conferences held on subjects such as the covenant, Calvinism, the history and doctrines of the PRC, and sexual ethics (youth conference). Please remember this trip and the work in your prayers.

Encouraging Quotes

“Watching the CPRC service live is such a blessing, and I really do appreciate your ministry and friendship. As always I enjoy the preaching and how you expose heresy and those who work iniquity. I’ve just finished reading Portraits of Faithful Saints by Herman Hanko. A brilliant book, full of useful information. It’s amazing how the Lord used ordinary men to reform His church.” - Lincolnshire, England

“I have been watching the CPRC sermons on YouTube. They have blessed me. Thank you for your faithfulness. I have great interest in Gordon H. Clark’s work, and through that I came across Rev. Herman Hoeksema and the Protestant Reformed. What interested me in following Protestant Reformed sermons is their high view of Calvinism.” - Singapore

“I was an Arminian for a lot of years. I was always told about a rapture of the church before the great tribulation. Now that I am, by the grace of God, a 5-point Calvinist, I am confused about the end times. I have been watching your YouTube videos about end times errors ... I really value your teaching. I really enjoy your debates on YouTube and wish that you would have more debates with Arminians and Charismatics. Thanks and God bless!” - Minnesota, USA

“I translated the section about glorification in Ronald Hanko’s Doctrine According to Godliness. I listened to your lecture on New Calvinism. It was very clear and now I can see the large differences between their teachings and ours.” - Hungary

“In the December 2017 Covenant Reformed News you wrote the phrase, ‘from the salvation of Adam.’ What did you mean by this in view of what God said in Genesis 2:13? I have been getting your newsletter for a long time and have found your articles an encouragement.” - Scotland

“I stopped taking the Standard Bearer a little while ago; it was a bad mistake, and now I want to go back on the mailing list. Would you kindly reinstate me? It is such a sound vehicle of truth, I feel. I’ve just read Martyn McGeown’s latest on the ‘free will offer’, in the PRTJ, absolutely brilliant.” - Hampshire, England

“I enjoy listening to your Belgic Confession class and have benefited greatly from them. Currently I am going through the classes on ‘The Abolishing of the Ceremonial Law’ ... fascinating! I am still trying to sort out the various aspects of the fourth commandment: which are moral and which are ceremonial. This class has helped with that also.” - New Jersey, USA

“I have been using your website a lot lately and watching your videos on-line. I have watched your exclusive Psalmody debate many times and it is very convincing and logical ... However I do not know of any Psalms-only churches here.” - Ontario, Canada

“Could you please send us the 4-DVD box set on ‘Ezekiel’s Prophecies Against Tyre.’ Thank you also for your testimony against the Arminians. It was an error that caused my wife and myself great upset and problems in our early Christian experience. It set us on a wrong path ‘evil communications corrupting the right way.’ It still helps me now to hear a testimony against it.” - S. Wales

“I am especially benefiting from an article you posted on Calvin’s doctrine of the call. With Scripture given and the way it is written and organized, I am getting very clear understanding ... I have been studying common grace and the free offer teaching and am understanding better. The truth of the definite atonement and all of Scripture is becoming more and more clear! So this is also such a wonderful help as is so many of the things you post and contribute. Truly a blessing to me!” - Illinois, USA

“God willing, I shall be listening later today to number 4 of the series on Ezekiel 26-28. I read from the beginning of Ezekiel first and how wonderful it was that I had the two Standard Bearer articles on Ezekiel as well! The sermons have been so topical, about the state of the world and professing church, but also have been convicting to me.” - Yorkshire, England

“To read the Covenant Reformed News is for me always spiritually refreshing. I wish to order the book on The Revival of 1859.” - France

“I would like to thank you for answering my e-mails and helping me. I’m sending this e-mail to let you know that I received the books today. These were one of the best gifts that I received in my Christian journey.” - Australia

“Thank you for the Covenant Reformed News. I found it encouraging, especially God’s providence over our sins. There is a comfort in knowing that and how merciful God is who, knowing all things, considered us in our miserable state of sin and our Lord Jesus Christ who became answerable for our sins and redeemed us worthless worms and made us joint-heirs with Christ that we should be called children of God. Amazing grace! ... Is there an old CR News about the doctrine of common grace? I would like to know the Reformed view on this. Thanks once again!” - London, England