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Watch videos in Portuguese of lectures given in Portugal
Credos (Creeds)
Escritura (Scripture)
A Doutrina da Escritura
Angus Stewart (The Doctrine of Scripture)
A Importância da Doutrina
Ron Hanko ("The Importance of Doctrine," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
Ron Hanko ("Revelation," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
Revelação Geral
Ron Hanko ("General Revelation," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
A Palavra de Deus
Ron Hanko ("The Word of God," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
A Escritura
Ron Hanko ("Scripture," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
A Suficiência da Escritura
Ron Hanko ("The Sufficiency of Scripture," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
A Inspiração da Escritura
Ron Hanko ("The Inspiration of Scripture," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
A Inspiração Plenária da Escritura
Ron Hanko ("The Plenary Inspiration of Scripture," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
A Inspiração Verbal da Escritura
Ron Hanko ("The Verbal Inspiration of Scripture," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
A Inspiração Orgânica da Escritura
Ron Hanko ("The Organic Inspiration of Scripture," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
A Infalibilidade da Escritura
Ron Hanko ("The Infallibility of Scripture," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
A Autoridade da Escritura
Ron Hanko ("The Authority of Scripture," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
A Interpretação da Escritura
Ron Hanko ("The Interpretation of Scripture," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
A Necessidade de Hermenêutica
Herman Hanko ("The Need for Hermeneutics" an excerpt from the
Protestant Reformed Theological Journal)
A Unidade da Escritura
Ron Hanko ("The Unity of Scripture," an excerpt from Doctrine According
to Godliness)
A Perspicuidade da Escritura
Ron Hanko ("The Perspicuity of Scripture," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
Versões da Bíblia
Ron Hanko ("Bible Versions," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
Lógica e a Escritura
Ron Hanko
("Logic and Scripture")
Os Apócrifos são Canônicos?
Angus Stewart (Is the Apocrypha Canonical?)
O Martelo de Deus
Angus Stewart ("God's Hammer," Covenant Reformed News, vol. 9,
issue 1)
O Martelo de Deus, de Gordon H. Clark
Herman Hanko ("God's Hammer by Gordon Clark," a book review
from the Standard Bearer)
Dogmática Reformada (Reformed Dogmatics by Herman Hoeksema)
O Ser de Deus
Herman Hoeksema ("The Being of God," a chapter from Reformed
A Asseidade de Deus
Herman Hoeksema ("The Aseity of God," an excerpt from Reformed
- O Amor de Deus
Herman Hoeksema ("God's Love,"
an excerpt from Reformed Dogmatics)
A Alegada Vontade Permissiva de Deus
Herman Hoeksema ("God's Alleged Permissive Will," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
Eleição e Reprovação Definidas
Herman Hoeksema ("Election and Reprobation Defined," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
A Teoria da Graça Comum
Herman Hoeksema ("The Theory of Common Grace," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
A Explicação Pelagiana do Pecado e Morte
Herman Hoeksema ("The Pelagian Explanation of the Universality of Sin
and Death," an excerpt from Reformed Dogmatics)
A Doutrina do Pecado e Culpa Original
Herman Hoeksema ("The Doctrine of Original Sin and Guilt," an excerpt
from Reformed Dogmatics)
- O Pacto
Herman Hoeksema ("The Covenant,"
a chapter from Reformed Dogmatics)
Pactum Salutis ou Pacto da Redenção
Herman Hoeksema ("The Pactum Salutis or Covenant of
Redemption," an excerpt from Reformed Dogmatics)
O Conselho de Paz e o Pacto com Cristo Distinguidos
Herman Hoeksema ("The Counsel of Peace and the Covenant with Christ
Distinguished," an excerpt from Reformed Dogmatics)
A Idéia Bíblica do Pactum Salutis
Herman Hoeksema ("The Biblical Idea of the Pactum Salutis," an
excerpt from Reformed Dogmatics)
A Idéia do Pacto
Herman Hoeksema ("The Idea of the Covenant," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
Deus, um Deus Pactual
Herman Hoeksema ("God a Covenant God," an excerpt from Reformed
O Pacto entre Deus e o Homem
Herman Hoeksema ("The Covenant between God and Man," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
O Pacto como Fim
Herman Hoeksema ("The Covenant as End," an excerpt from Reformed
O Significado da Palavra Pacto
Herman Hoeksema ("The Meaning of the Word Covenant," an excerpt
from Reformed Dogmatics)
O Pacto: Uma Relação de Amizade
Herman Hoeksema ("The Covenant: A Relation of Friendship," an excerpt
from Reformed Dogmatics)
Deus Habitando com o seu Povo
Herman Hoeksema ("God's Dwelling with His People," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
O Cumprimento do Pacto em Cristo
Herman Hoeksema ("The Fulfillment of the Covenant in Christ," an
excerpt from Reformed Dogmatics)
O Pacto e a Igreja
Herman Hoeksema ("The Covenant and the Church," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
A Realização Final do Pacto
Herman Hoeksema ("The Final Realization of the Covenant," an excerpt
from Reformed Dogmatics)
O Conceito Correto do Pactum Salutis
Herman Hoeksema ("The Correct Conception of the Pactum Salutis,"
an excerpt from Reformed Dogmatics)
O Conselho de Paz e os Decretos de Deus
Herman Hoeksema ("The Counsel of Peace and the Decrees of God," an
excerpt from Reformed Dogmatics)
O Pacto e a Predestinação
Herman Hoeksema ("The Covenant and Predestination," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
Herman Hoeksema ("Melchizedek," an excerpt from Reformed Dogmatics)
A Necessidade da Regeneração
Herman Hoeksema ("The Necessity of Regeneration," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
Regeneração: Uma Obra Divina
Herman Hoeksema ("Regeneration a Divine Work," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
Regeneração nas Confissões Reformadas
Herman Hoeksema ("Regeneration in the Reformed Confessions," an
excerpt from Reformed Dogmatics)
Fé e Conversão
Herman Hoeksema ("Faith and Conversion," an excerpt from Reformed
A Necessidade da Santificação
Herman Hoeksema ("The Necessity of Sanctification," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
Santificação como um Princípio
Herman Hoeksema ("Sanctification as a Principle," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
Santificação como uma Obra Contínua
Herman Hoeksema ("Sanctification as a Continued Work," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
Santificação como um Chamado
Herman Hoeksema ("Sanctification as a Calling," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
Perseverança dos Santos
Herman Hoeksema ("The Perseverance of the Saints," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
Descrições Escriturísticas da Igreja
Herman Hoeksema ("Scriptural Descriptions of the Church," an excerpt
from Reformed Dogmatics)
Elementos na Idéia da Igreja
Herman Hoeksema ("Elements in the Idea of the Church," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
O Conceito Supralapsariano da Igreja
Herman Hoeksema ("The Supralapsarian Conception of the Church," an
excerpt from Reformed Dogmatics)
Os Quatro Atributos da Igreja
Herman Hoeksema ("The Four Attributes of the Church," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
A Unidade da Igreja
Herman Hoeksema ("The Unity of the Church," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
Unidade em Cristo
Herman Hoeksema ("Unity in Christ," an excerpt from Reformed
Mais Doutrina, Mais Cristo
Herman Hoeksema ("Unity in Diversity," an excerpt from Reformed
- O Que Significa 'Graça'?
Herman Hoeksema ("The Meaning of Grace,"
an excerpt from Reformed Dogmatics)
O Desenvolvimento das Crianças do Pacto debaixo da Pregação
Herman Hoeksema ("The Development of Covenant Children under the
Preaching," an excerpt from Reformed Dogmatics)
Os Atributos de Deus (The Attributes of God)
A Soberania de Deus (The Sovereignty of God by A.
W. Pink)
A Soberania de Deus (The Sovereignty of God)
Predestinação Absoluta
Jerome Zanchius ("Absolute Predestination")
A Soberania de Deus e os Salmos
Steven Houck ("God's Sovereignty and the Psalms")
A Soberania de Deus na Salvação
Steven Houck ("God's Sovereignty in Salvation")
O Amor Soberano de Deus: Nosso Conforto
Robert Decker ("God's Sovereign Love, Our Comfort")
que seria necessário para Provar Eleição e Reprovação?
Angus Stewart (What
Would It Take to Prove Election and Reprobation?)
Declaração da Doutrina da Eleição
Ronald Cammenga & Ron Hanko ("The Doctrine of Election," an excerpt
from Saved by Grace)
Objeções à Eleição
Ronald Cammenga & Ron Hanko ("Objections to Election," an excerpt from
Saved by Grace)
Soberana Reprovação
Gise Van Baren ("Sovereign Reprobation")
Ron Hanko ("Reprobation," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
O Levantar de Faraó por Deus
Herman Hoeksema ("God's Raising Up of Pharaoh," an excerpt from
Righteous By Faith Alone)
Reprovação e o Beneplácito de Deus (1)
Herman Hanko ("Reprobation and God's Good Pleasure (1)" Covenant
Reformed News, vol. 13, issue 4)
A Vontade de Deus
Ron Hanko ("The Will of God," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
Vontade de Mandamento e Vontade de Decreto de Deus
Ron Hanko ("God's Will of Command and Will of Decree," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
Supralapsarianismo Preferível
Herman Hoeksema ("Supralapsarianism Preferred," an excerpt from
Reformed Dogmatics)
Supra ou Infra-lapsarianismo? (1)
Ron Hanko ("Supralapsarianism or Infralapsarianism?" (1), Covenant
Reformed News, vol. 5, issue 20)
Supra ou Infra-lapsarianismo? (2)
Ron Hanko ("Supralapsarianism or Infralapsarianism?" (2), Covenant
Reformed News, vol. 5, issue 21)
Westminster é Infralapsariana?
Ron Hanko ("Is Westminster Infralapsarian?" Covenant Reformed News,
vol. 5, issue 22)
A Soberania de Deus e o Mal (1)
Herman Hanko ("God's Sovereignty and Evil" (1), Covenant Reformed
News, vol. 7, issue 4)
A Soberania de Deus e o Mal (2)
Herman Hanko ("God's Sovereignty and Evil" (2), Covenant Reformed
News, vol. 7, issue 5)
A Soberania de Deus e o Mal (3)
Herman Hanko ("God's Sovereignty and Evil" (3), Covenant Reformed
News, vol. 7, issue 6)
Criação e Providência (Creation and Providence)
O Evangelho en Genesis 1
Herman Hanko ("The Gospel in Genesis 1," an excerpt from "The
Framework Hypothesis and Genesis 1")
Gênesis 1-11: História ou Mito?
David Engelsma ("Genesis 1-11: Myth or History?,")
Perguntas aos Teístas Evolucionistas (e aos criacionistas
("Questions for Theistic Evolutionists")
A Criação do Homem
Ron Hanko ("The Creation of Man," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
Corpo e Alma–ou Corpo, Alma e Espírito?
Ron Hanko ("Body and Soul—or Body, Soul and Spirit?")
A Providência Todo-Abrangente de Deus
Ron Hanko ("God's All-encompassing Providence," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
A Providência de Deus
Ron Hanko ("The Providence of God," an excerpt from Doctrine According
to Godliness)
Preservação e Providência
Ron Hanko ("Preservation and Providence," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
Governo e Providência
Ron Hanko ("Government and Providence," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
Providência e "Graça Comum"
Ron Hanko ("Providence and 'Common Grace,'" an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
Providência e Restrição do Pecado
Ron Hanko ("Providence and the Restraint of Sin," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
Depravação Total (Total Depravity)
Pacto (Covenant)
O Pacto da Graça
Angus Stewart ("The Covenant of Grace")
Amizade da Aliança de Deus
Angus Stewart ("God's Covenant Friendship")
Pacto e Soberania
Herman Hanko ("The Covenant and Sovereignty," the introduction to God's
Everlasting Covenant of Grace)
Deus, Um Deus Pactual
Herman Hanko ("God, a Covenant God," an excerpt from God's
Everlasting Covenant of Grace)
A Natureza do Pacto
Ron Hanko ("The Nature of the Covenant," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
O Pacto com Adão
Ron Hanko ("The Covenant with Adam," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
- O
Pacto com Adão: Uma Breve Análise Histórica
Angus Stewart (The Covenant with Adam: A Brief Historical Analysis)
O Pacto com Noé
Ron Hanko ("The Covenant with Noah," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
O Pacto com Abraão
Ron Hanko ("The Covenant with Abraham," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
O Pacto e a Terra Prometida
Ron Hanko ("The Covenant and the Land Promises," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
O Pacto com Israel
Ron Hanko ("The Covenant with Israel," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
Um Povo de Deus
Ron Hanko ("One People of God," an excerpt from Doctrine According
to Godliness)
A Lei e o
Ron Hanko ("The Law and the Covenant," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
A Função da Lei
no Pacto
Ron Hanko ("The Law's Function in the Covenant," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
O Pacto com Davi
Ron Hanko ("The Covenant with David," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
O Novo Pacto
Ron Hanko ("The New Covenant," an excerpt from Doctrine According
to Godliness)
- O
Antigo e Novo Pacto Comparado
Ron Hanko ("The Old and New Covenants Compared," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
A Consumação do Pacto
Ron Hanko ("The Consummation of the Covenant," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
Os Pactos Sumarizados
Ron Hanko ("The Covenant Summarized," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
A Incorporação de Rute no Pacto
David Engelsma ("The Incorporation of Ruth into the Covenant," an excerpt
from Unfolding Covenant History, vol. 5)
O Debate Contemporâneo sobre o Pacto Incondicional
David Engelsma ("The Unconditional Covenant in Contemporary Debate,")
Visão Federal
David Engelsma ("The Federal Vision," an appendix from The Covenant of
God and the Children of Believers)
Jesus Cristo (Jesus Christ)
Os Nomes do Nosso Senhor
Ron Hanko ("The Names of Our Saviour," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
O Nome Jesus
Ron Hanko ("The Name Jesus," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
C. J. Connors ("Jesus!")
Quem é Jesus Cristo?
C. J. Connors ("Who is Jesus Christ?")
O Filho da Virgem, O Sinal de Salvação
Homer Hoeksema ("The Virgin's Son, the Sign of Salvation," a chapter
Redeemed with Judgment, vol. 1)
O Nome Cristo
Ron Hanko ("The Name Christ," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
O Nome
Ron Hanko ("The Name Lord," an excerpt from Doctrine According
to Godliness)
O Nome Filho Unigênito de Deus
Ron Hanko ("The Name Only Begotten Son of God," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
O Nome
Filho do Homem
Ron Hanko ("The Name Son of Man," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
O Nome Emanuel
Ron Hanko ("The Name Immanuel," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
Um Nome Acima de Todo Nome
Ron Hanko ("A Name Above Every Name," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
A Natureza Humana Real de Cristo
Ron Hanko ("Christ's
Real Human Nature," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
A Natureza Humana Completa de Cristo
Ron Hanko ("Christ's
Complete Human Nature," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
A Natureza Humana Fraca de Cristo
Ron Hanko ("Christ's
Weakened Human Nature," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
As Tentações de Cristo
Ron Hanko ("The Temptations of Christ," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
- O Filho do Homem
Herman Hanko ("The Son of Man" Covenant Reformed
News, vol. 14, issues 3)
- A Ascenção do Nosso Salvador
Ron Van Overloop (Our Saviour's
Morte de Cristo (Christ's Death)
A Expiação de Cristo (Christ's Atonement)
Graça Soberana
(Sovereign Grace)
A Ordem da Salvação (The Order of Salvation)
A Ordem da Salvação
Ron Hanko ("The Order of Salvation," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
O Novo Nascimento
Angus Stewart (John 1:13 and the New Birth)
Documentário "Nascer de Novo"
Martyn McGeown ("Born Again" Documentary)
O Dom da Fé
Angus Stewart (The Gift of Faith)
Crendo pela Graça
Herman Hoeksema ("Believing Through Grace," a chapter from Wonder
of Grace)
Vindo à Ressurreição
Herman Hoeksema ("Coming to the Resurrection," a chapter from
Whosoever Will)
Ron Hanko ("Justification," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
Justificação: O Coração do Evangelho
Ron Van Overloop, David Engelsma & William Langerak ("Justification, the Heart of the Gospel")
A Bem-aventurança dos Justificados
Herman Hoeksema ("The Blessedness of the Justified," a chapter from
Righteous by Faith Alone)
Nenhuma Condenação
Cornelius Hanko (No Condemnation)
Ron Hanko ("Adoption," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
A Gloriosa Obra Divina da Santificação
James Laning ("God's Glorious Work of Sanctification," an article from the
Standard Bearer)
Ron Hanko ("Preservation," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
Quer Deus Salvar a Todos? (God's Effectual Saving Desire)
Será que Deus Realmente Deseja Salvar os Réprobos? NEW!
Angus Stewart ("Does God Really Desire to Save the Reprobate?")
Deus Ama Todo o Mundo?
Martyn McGeown (Does God Love Everyone?)
As Teses de Genebra (1649): Uma Jóia Recentemente Descoberta NEW!
Angus Stewart ("The Geneva Theses (1649): A Recently Uncovered Jewel")
Uma Definição da Pregação do Evangelho: Calvinista ou Arminiano? NEW!
Angus Stewart ("A Definition of Gospel Preaching: Calvinistic or Arminian?")
A Compaixão de Cristo pela Multidão
Herman Hanko ("Christ's Compassion on the Multitude," Covenant
Reformed News, vol. 11, issue 20)
Salmo 69 e a Livre Oferta do Evangelho
Angus Stewart (Psalm 69 versus the Free Offer)
Um Calvinista e um Arminiano Discutem I Timóteo 2:4
Frank Beck ("A Calvinist and an Arminian Discuss I Timothy 2:4," an
article from the Standard Bearer)
O Lugar da Reprovação na Pregação do Evangelho
Herman Hoeksema ("The Place of Reprobation in the Preaching of the Gospel")
A Oferta Sincera do Evangelho e a Reprovação
Ron Hanko ("The Well-Meant Offer and Reprobation")
Mateus 22:1-14 ensina uma geral, bem intencionada
oferta de graça e salvação da parte de Deus?
Herman Hoeksema ("Does Matthew 22:1-14 Teach a General, Well-Meant Offer of Grace
and Salvation on God's Part?")
Lucas 19:41-44 apóia a oferta bem intencionada do evangelho?
Herman Hanko ("Does Luke 19:41-44 Support the Well-Meant Offer?")
II Pedro 3:9 Ensina Que Deus Deseja salvar absolutamente todo mundo
Herman Hanko ("Does II Peter 3:9 Teach That God Desires to Save Absolutely Everybody?")
II Pedro 3:9
Garrett P. Johnson ("II Peter 3:9," an excerpt from "The Myth of
Common Grace")
Chamado, não Oferta
Ron Hanko ("Call, Not Offer," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
A Controvérsia Clark-Van Til
Herman Hoeksema ("Introduction," "Rationalism," "Sovereignty and
Responsibility," "The Sincere Offer of the Gospel" and "An Arminian
Gospel"—5 chapters from The Clark-Van Til Controversy)
A Oferta Sincera do Evangelho
John Gerstner ("Foreword" to David Engelsma's Hyper-Calvinism & the
Call of the Gospel)
- Hipercalvinismo
David Engelsma ("Hypercalvinism" a chapter from Hyper-Calvinism & the
Call of the Gospel)
O Que é Hiper-Calvinismo? (1)
Ron Hanko ("What is Hyper-Calvinism? (1)," Covenant Reformed News,
vol. 7, issue 1)
O Que é Hiper-Calvinismo? (2)
Ron Hanko ("What is Hyper-Calvinism? (2)," Covenant Reformed News,
vol. 7, issue 2)
O Que é Hiper-Calvinismo? (3)
Ron Hanko ("What is Hyper-Calvinism? (3)," Covenant Reformed News,
vol. 7, issue 3)
O Que é Hiper-Calvinismo? (4)
Ron Hanko ("What is Hyper-Calvinism? (4)," Covenant Reformed News,
vol. 7, issue 4)
Evangelismo e a Fé Reformada
Ron Hanko ("What is Reformed Evangelism?" Covenant Reformed News,
vol. 6, issues 3-8)
Spurgeon versus Hipercalvinismo
David Engelsma ("Hyper-Calvinism and Arminianism: the Alternatives?" an
article from the Standard Bearer)
Graça Incomum (Uncommon Grace)
Graça Incomum
Barry Gritters ("Grace Uncommon")
Uma Breve Resposta à Graça Comum
Robert Harbach (A Brief Reply to Common Grace)
Graça Comum
Angus Stewart (Common Grace)
Os Salmos Versus a Graça Comum (1)
Angus Stewart ("The Psalms Versus Common Grace (1)," Covenant
Reformed News, vol. 12, issue 21)
Os Salmos Versus a Graça Comum (2)
Angus Stewart ("The Psalms Versus Common Grace (2)," Covenant
Reformed News, vol. 12, issue 22)
Os Salmos Versus a Graça Comum (3)
Angus Stewart ("The Psalms Versus Common Grace (3)," Covenant
Reformed News, vol. 12, issue 23)
Os Salmos Versus a Graça Comum (4)
Angus Stewart ("The Psalms Versus Common Grace (4)," Covenant
Reformed News, vol. 12, issue 24)
Salmo 1 e 2 sobre Graça Incomum
Angus Stewart ("Psalms 1 and 2 on Uncommon Grace," Covenant
Reformed News, vol. 13, issue 1)
Caim foi um Recipiente da Graça Comum?
Angus Stewart (Was Cain the Recipient of Common Grace?)
O Salmo 145:9 Ensina a Graça Comum?
Angus Stewart (Does Psalm 145:9 Teach Common Grace?)
Será que Mateus 5:44-45 Ensina a Graça Comum?
Angus Stewart (Does Matthew 5:44-45 Teach Common Grace?)
É Novidade Negar a Graça Comum?
Jonathan Moore (Is Denying Common Grace a Novelty?)
Salmo 73 e Graça Comum
David Engelsma ("Psalm 73 and Common Grace," excerpts from
Prosperous Wicked and Plagued Saints)
O Ímpio Aparentemente Abençoado
David Engelsma ("The Wicked Seemingly Blessed," a chapter from
Prosperous Wicked and Plagued Saints)
Graça Comum
Herman Hanko ("Common Grace," a chapter from Contending for the
A Antítese
Ron Hanko ("The Antithesis," a chapter from Doctrine According to
Igreja (Church)
Sacramentos (Sacraments)
Batismo (Baptism)
Duas Dispensaçãoes
Herman Hanko ("Two Dispensations," a chapter from We and Our Children)
O Argumento Batista Reformado Com Respeito a Ceia do Senhor
Herman Hanko ("The Reformed Baptist Argument Concerning the Lord's
Supper," an excerpt from We and Our Children)
Circuncisão Masculina
Herman Hanko ("Male Circumcision," an excerpt from We and Our Children)
Batismo Infantil e Graça Soberana
Ron Hanko ("Infant Baptism & Sovereign Grace")
O Significado do Batismo
Ron Hanko ("The Significance of Baptism")
O Simbolismo do Batismo
Ron Hanko ("The Symbolism of Baptism," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
O Sinal e Realidade do Batismo
Ron Hanko ("The Sign and the Reality of Baptism," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
O Modo do Batismo
Ron Hanko ("The Mode of Baptism," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
O Batismo do Etíope Eunuco e de Jesus
Ron Hanko ("The Baptisms of the Ethiopian Eunuch and of Jesus," an
excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
Batismo Infantil no Novo Testamento
Ron Hanko ("Infant Baptism in the New Testament," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
Batismo de Família
Ron Hanko ("Family Baptism," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
Batismo e Entrada no Reino
Ron Hanko ("Baptism and Entrance into the Kingdom," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
Batismo e Circuncisão
Ron Hanko ("Baptism and Circumcision," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
São Salvos Todos os Filhos dos Crentes?
Herman Hanko ("Are All the Children of Believers Saved?"
Covenant Reformed News, vol. 12, issue 20)
- Objeção: A Escritura requer fé e arrependimento antes do batismo
Michael Kimmitt ("Objection 2: The Scriptures Require Faith and Repentance Before Baptism," an excerpt from
Baptism: Meaning, Mode and Subjects)
Incrédulos e o Pacto
Ron Hanko ("Unbelievers and the Covenant," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
Fé e Batismo
Ron Hanko ("Faith and Baptism," an excerpt from Doctrine According
to Godliness)
Arrependimento e Batismo
Ron Hanko ("Repentance and Baptism," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
Discipulando e Batizando as Nações
Ron Hanko ("Discipling and Baptizing the Nations," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
A Pergunta Batista Mais Comum
Brian Crossett (The Most Common Baptist Question)
Cristo foi Imerso?
Brian Crossett (Was Christ Immersed?)
O Eunuco Etíope foi Imerso?
Brian Crossett (Was the Ethiopian Eunuch Immersed?)
Ceia do Senhor (Lord's Supper)
Diáconos (Deacons)
As Qualificações dos Diáconos (1): Um Assunto Importante
Douglas Kuiper ("The Qualifications of Deacons [1]: An Important
Subject," an article from the Standard Bearer)
As Qualificações dos Diáconos (2): Um Alto Padrão
Douglas Kuiper ("The Qualifications of Deacons [2]: A High Standard,"
an article from the Standard Bearer)
As Qualificações dos Diáconos (3):
Recipientes Masculinos da Graça de Deus
Douglas Kuiper ("The Qualifications of Deacons [3]: Male Recipients of
God's Grace," an article from the Standard Bearer)
As Qualificações dos Diáconos (4):
Cheio do Espírito Santo, Sabedoria e Fé
Douglas Kuiper ("The Qualifications of Deacons [4]: Full of the Holy
Spirit, Wisdom, and Faith," an article from the Standard Bearer)
As Qualificações dos Diáconos (5): Piedosos em sua Conduta
Douglas Kuiper ("The Qualifications of Deacons [5]: Godly in Their
Conduct," an article from the Standard Bearer)
As Qualificações dos Diáconos (6): Sua Situação Familiar
Douglas Kuiper ("The Qualifications of Deacons [6]: Their Family
Situation," an article from the Standard Bearer)
As Qualificações dos Diáconos (7): Sua Provação
Douglas Kuiper ("The Qualifications of Deacons [7]: Their Proving," an
article from the Standard Bearer)
Cantando Salmos (Psalm-Singing)
Escatologia (Eschatology)
O Reino Espiritual de Cristo Uma Defesa do Amilenismo Reformado
David Engelsma (Christ's Spiritual Kingdom: A Defense of Reformed Amillennialism)
Os Últimos Dias
Ron Hanko ("The Last Days," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
A Vinda de Cristo
Ron Hanko ("The Coming of Christ," Covenant Reformed News, vol. 7,
issue 19)
A Segunda Vinda de Cristo
Ron Hanko ("The Second Coming of Christ," Covenant Reformed News,
vol. 7, issue 20)
Uma Vinda Final de Cristo
Ron Hanko ("One Final Coming of Christ," Covenant Reformed News,
vol. 7, issue 21)
Sinais da Vinda de Cristo
Ron Hanko ("The Signs of Christ's Coming," Covenant Reformed News,
vol. 7, issue 22)
O Arrebatamento
Ron Hanko ("The Rapture," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
Uma Vinda Súbita e Inesperada
Ron Hanko ("A Sudden and Unexpected Coming," Covenant Reformed News,
vol. 7, issue 24)
A Vinda em Breve de Cristo
Ron Hanko ("Jesus' Soon Coming," Covenant Reformed News, vol. 7,
issue 25)
A Maravilha da Vinda de Cristo
Ron Hanko ("The Wonder of Christ's Coming," Covenant Reformed News,
vol. 8, issue 1)
O Milênio
Ron Hanko ("The Millennium," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
Pré-Milenismo e Dispensacionalismo Comparados
Ron Hanko ("Premillennialism and Dispensationalism Compared," an
excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
Os Erros do Dispensacionalismo
Ron Hanko ("Dispensationalism's Errors," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
Erros Adicionais do Dispensacionalismo
Ron Hanko ("Further Errors of Dispensationalism," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
Ron Hanko ("Postmillennialism," Covenant Reformed News, vol. 8,
issue 7)
Pós-Milenismo Moderno
Ron Hanko ("Modern Postmillennialism," Covenant Reformed News,
vol. 8, issue 8)
Ron Hanko ("Amillennialism," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
Literalismo e Apocalipse 20
Ron Hanko ("Literalism and Revelation 20," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
Uma Ressurreição
Ron Hanko ("One Resurrection," an excerpt from Doctrine According
to Godliness)
- A Morte
Ron Hanko ("Death," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
A Necessidade da Nossa Ressurreição
Ron Hanko ("The Necessity of Our Resurrection," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
- A
Ressurreição do Corpo
Ron Hanko ("The Resurrection Body," an excerpt from Doctrine According
to Godliness)
A Maravilha da Ressurreição
Ron Hanko ("The Wonder of the Resurrection," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
A Imortalidade da Alma
Ron Hanko ("The Immortality of the Soul," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
O Estado Intermediário
Ron Hanko ("The Intermediate State," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
A Grande Tribulação
Ron Hanko ("The Great Tribulation," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
O Anticristo
Ron Hanko ("The Antichrist," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
O Juízo
Ron Hanko ("The Judgment," an excerpt from Doctrine According to
Um Único Juízo Final
Ron Hanko ("Only One Final Judgment," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
O Propósito do Juízo
Ron Hanko ("The Purpose of the Judgment," an excerpt from Doctrine
According to Godliness)
Ron Hanko ("Hell," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
Os Novos Céus e a Nova Terra
Ron Hanko ("The New Heavens and the New Earth," an excerpt from
Doctrine According to Godliness)
O Maior de Todos os Acontecimentos
W. J. Grier (The Momentous Event)
O Erro Pré-Milenista ou O Rapto e a Revelação
D. H. Kuiper ("The Premillennial Error or The Rapture and the
O Erro Pós-Milenista ou A Idade Dourada da Justiça e da Paz
D. H. Kuiper ("The Postmillennial Error or the Golden Age of
Righteousness and Peace")
Amilenismo ou A Verdade do Retonro do Senhor Jesus
D. H. Kuiper ("Amillennialism or the Truth of the Return of the Lord
O Aprisionamento de Satanás
Herman Hoeksema ("The Binding of Satan," an excerpt from Behold He
Apocalipse 14:4-5
Herman Hoeksema ("Revelation 14:4-5," an excerpt from Behold He Cometh)
Gangrena Preterista: Diagnóstico, Prognóstico e Cura
Martyn McGeown ("Preterist Gangrene: Its Diagnosis, Prognosis and
O Anti-Cristo
Barry Gritters ("The Antichrist")
Castigo Eterno
Ron Hanko ("Eternal Punishment")
O Galardão da Graça
Herman Hanko ("The Reward of Grace," Covenant Reformed News,
vol. 11, issue 10)
O Que Jesus Disse (What Jesus Said)
História da Bíblia para Crianças (Children's Bible Stories)
Deus Faz Luz
Gertrude Hoeksema ("God Makes Light," an excerpt from Come, Ye
Children: A Bible Storybook for Young Children)
Deus Faz o Sol, a Lua e as Estrelas
Gertrude Hoeksema ("God Makes the Sun, Moon and Stars," an excerpt
from Come, Ye Children: A Bible Storybook for Young Children)
Deus Faz os Peixes, os Pássaros e os Animais
Gertrude Hoeksema ("God Makes the Fish, Birds, and Animals," an
excerpt from Come, Ye Children: A Bible Storybook for Young
Deus Faz Adão e Eva
Gertrude Hoeksema ("God Makes Adam and Eve," an excerpt from Come,
Ye Children: A Bible Storybook for Young Children)
Adão e Eva Pecam
Gertrude Hoeksema ("Adam and Eve Fall Into Sin," an excerpt from
Come, Ye Children: A Bible Storybook for Young Children)
Caim e Abel Oferecem Sacrícios
Gertrude Hoeksema ("Cain and Abel Offer Sacrifices," an excerpt from
Come, Ye Children: A Bible Storybook for Young Children)
Samuel Nasce
Gertrude Hoeksema ("Samuel is Born," an excerpt from Come, Ye
Children: A Bible Storybook for Young Children)
História Bíblica (Bible History)
A Salvação de Adão & Eva
Angus Stewart ("The Salvation of Adam and Eve" Covenant Reformed News,
vol. 9, issue 2)
Job: História ou Alegoria? (1)
Angus Stewart ("Job: History or Allegory? (1)," Covenant Reformed
News, vol. 12, issue 23)
Job: História ou Alegoria? (2)
Angus Stewart ("Job: History or Allegory? (2)," Covenant Reformed
News, vol. 12, issue 24)
O Nascimento de Sansão
David Engelsma ("The Birth of Samson," an excerpt from Unfolding
Covenant History, vol. 5)
Saul Foi Salvo?
Angus Stewart ("Was Saul Saved?" Covenant Reformed News, vol.
9, issue 4)
Ester (1)
Herman Hanko ("Esther [1]," Covenant Reformed News, vol. 11,
issue 11)
Ester (2)
Herman Hanko ("Esther [2]," Covenant Reformed News, vol. 11,
issue 12)
Ester (3)
Herman Hanko ("Esther [3]," Covenant Reformed News, vol. 11,
issue 13)
História Eclesiástica (Church History)
Policarpo: Mártir de Cristo
Herman Hanko ("Polycarp: Martyr of Christ," a chapter from Portraits
of Faithful Saints)
- Patrick:
Missionário à Irlanda
Herman Hanko ("Patrick: Missionary to Ireland," a chapter from Portraits
of Faithful Saints)
31 de Outubro de 1517
Connie Meyer ("October 31, 1517," an article from the Beacon Lights)
Lutero sobre Pregação
Steven Key ("Luther on Preaching," a chapter from The Sixteenth
Century Reformation of the Church)
João Calvino: o Reformador Suíço
Herman Hanko ("John Calvin: Swiss Reformer," a chapter from Portraits
of Faithful Saints)
João Calvino: Pastor e Mestre
Barry Gritters ("John Calvin: Pastor and Teacher," a chapter from The
Sixteenth Century Reformation of the Church)
A Bíblia, um Livro Divino: A Doutrina da Escritura de João Calvino
Dale Kuiper ("The Bible, a Divine Book: John Calvin's Doctrine of Holy
Scripture," a chapter from The Sixteenth Century Reformation of the
Calvino o Pregador
Ron Hanko ("Calvin the Preacher," an article from the Standard Bearer)
A Liturgia de Calvino
Robert Decker ("Calvin's Liturgy," a chapter from The Sixteenth
Century Reformation of the Church)
A Reforma de Genebra
Steven Key ("The Reform of Geneva," a chapter from The Sixteenth
Century Reformation of the Church)
John Knox sobre Liturgia e Adoração
Daniel Kleyn ("John Knox on Liturgy and Worship," an article from the
Standard Bearer)
John Knox, e a Vondade de Deus Para com os Pecadores
Brian Dole ("John Knox and God's Will Concerning Sinners,")
John Wesley, falso apóstolo do livre-arbítrio
Daniel Kleyn ("John Wesley False Apostle of Free Will")
Charles Grandison Finney: Reavivalista (1)
Herman Hanko ("Charles Grandison Finney: Revivalist [1]," an article
from the Standard Bearer)
Charles Grandison Finney: Reavivalista (2)
Herman Hanko ("Charles Grandison Finney: Revivalist [2]," an article
from the Standard Bearer)
Charles Grandison Finney: Reavivalista (3)
Herman Hanko ("Charles Grandison Finney: Revivalist [3]," an article
from the Standard Bearer)
Charles Grandison Finney: Reavivalista (4)
Herman Hanko ("Charles Grandison Finney: Revivalist [4]," an article
from the Standard Bearer)
Casamento e Divórcio
(Marriage and Divorce, etc.)
Casamento no Senhor
Angus Stewart ("Marrying in the Lord," Covenant Reformed News,
vol. 11, issue 18)
O Dever do Sexo no Casamento
Angus Stewart ("The Duty of Sex in Marriage," Covenant Reformed
News, vol. 10, issues 17-20)
11 Teses Sobre Casamento, Divórcio, Novo Casamento e Adultério
Martyn McGeown (11 Theses on Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage and
A Proibição do Divórcio
David Engelsma ("The Forbidding of Divorce," a chapter from
Marriage, the Mystery of Christ and the Church)
Divórcio e os Concílios da Igreja Primitiva
David Engelsma ("Divorce and the Early Church Councils," an excerpt
from Marriage, the Mystery of Christ and the Church)
A Vontade de Deus Concernente ao Novo Casamento
Barry Gritters ("God's Will Concerning Remarriage," a chapter from
The Family: Foundations are Shaking)
Divórcio e Novo Casamento: Matt. 19:9
David Engelsma ("More Light on Divorce and Remarriage: Matt. 19:9," a
chapter from "Until Death Us Do Part")
Novo Casamento e Mateus 19:9
Angus Stewart ("Remarriage and Matthew 19:9")
Angus Stewart ("Desertion," Covenant Reformed News, vol. 11,
issues 3-5)
Ron Hanko (Homosexuality)
A Bíblia e a
Angus Stewart (The Bible and Homosexuality)
Quem é o Culpado pela Homossexualidade?
Angus Stewart (Who is to Blame for Homosexuality?)
A Bíblia Requer Pena de Morte Para os Homossexuais?
Angus Stewart (Does the Bible Require the Death Penalty for
Um Pecado Pior que Sodomia
Angus Stewart (A Sin Worse Than Sodomy)
Redefinindo a Humanidade
Angus Stewart (Redefining Humanity)
Vida Cristã (Christian Living)
A Fé Cristã é Fácil?
Steven Key (Is the Christian Faith Easy?)
O Temor de Deus
Herman Hanko ("The Fear of God," Covenant Reformed News, vol.
9, issue 13)
O Uso Reverente do Nome de Deus
Steven Key (The Reverent Use of God's Name)
A Oração Eficaz de Ezequias
Homer Hoeksema ("Hezekiah's Effectual Prayer," a chapter from
Redeemed with Judgment, vol. 1)
A Vara e a Correção: A Disciplina Amorosa dos Filhos do Pacto
Steven Key (The Rod and Reproof: The Loving Discipline of Covenant
Julgar, O Dever do Cristao
Douglas Kuiper ("Judging, the Christian's Duty")
Guardando o Pacto e a Vida Antitética
Herman Hanko ("Keeping God's Covenant and the Antithetical Life," a
chapter from Keeping God's Covenant)
Antítese: Vivendo Piedosamente
em Tempos de Impiedade
Daniel Kleyn, Garry Eriks, Herman Hanko
(The Antithesis: Godly Living in Ungodly Times)
Vivendo e Testemunhando
Herman Hanko ("Antithetical
Living and Witnessing")
O ejum é Requerido?
Ron Hanko ("Is Fasting Required?" Covenant Reformed News, vol.
8, issue 6)
Herman Hanko ("Gluttony," Covenant Reformed News, vol. 12,
issue 4)
Uma perspectiva bíblica sobre modéstia
John Marcus ("A Biblical Perspective on Modesty")
O Jovem e as
Preocupações com o Futuro
Angus Stewart ("Youth Worrying About Their Future")
Catolicismo Romano (Roman Catholicism)
Pentecostalismo (Pentecostalism and Charismaticism)
Provai os Espíritos—Uma Análise Reformada do Pentecostalismo
David Engelsma ("Try the Spirits: A Reformed Look at Pentecostalism")
Pentecostalismo: O que é?
David Engelsma ("Pentecostalism: What Is It?" chapter 1 of
"Pentecostalism, Spirit-filled Blessing or Dangerous Heresy?")
Uma Análise Bíblica dos Dons do Espírito no Pentecostalismo
Wilbur Bruinsma ("A Biblical Analysis of the Gifts of the Spirit in
Pentecostalism," chapter 2 of
"Pentecostalism, Spirit-filled Blessing or Dangerous Heresy?")
Apóstolos, Profetas e Evangelistas
Angus Stewart ("Apostles, Prophets, and Evangelists," Covenant
Reformed News, vol. 11, issue 19)
Dons Apostólicos
Ron Hanko ("Apostolic Gifts")
Era o direito da Igreja condenar o montanismo?
Angus Stewart ("Was the Church Right to Condemn Montanism?")
Reavivamento da Rua Azusa e Pentecostalismo
Herman Hanko ("The Azusa Street Revival and Pentecostalism," articles
from the Standard Bearer)
Alguns Pensamentos sobre ser Guiado pelo Espírito
Herman Hanko ("Some Thoughts on Being Led by the Spirit," an article
from the Standard Bearer)
Nenhuma Nova Revelação!
John Calvin ("No New Revelation")
Esperar Saúde, Riqueza e Felicidade?
C. J. Connors ("Expect Health, Wealth and Happiness?")
Meditações (Meditations)
Outros (Others)